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DevExpress v24.2 Update — Your Feedback Matters

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TreeListOptionsBehavior Properties

Provides behavior options for Tree List controls.
Name Description
AllowBoundCheckBoxesInVirtualMode Gets or sets whether node check states can be specified dynamically - using the TreeList.VirtualTreeGetCellValue/TreeList.VirtualTreeSetCellValue events, and IVirtualTreeListData.VirtualTreeGetCellValue/VirtualTreeSetCellValue interface methods.
AllowCopyToClipboard Obsolete. Gets or sets whether an end-user can copy selected nodes to the Clipboard via the CTRL+C shortcut.
AllowExpandAnimation Gets or sets whether to use animation effects when expanding/collapsing nodes using the expand button.
AllowExpandOnDblClick Gets or sets whether a node is expanded/collapsed after it has been double clicked.
AllowIncrementalSearch Gets or sets whether end-users can locate nodes by typing the desired column value. This property is obsolete for versions 17.1 and newer.
AllowIndeterminateCheckState Gets or sets whether an end-user can switch a node to the indeterminate check state with a mouse click.
AllowPixelScrolling Gets or sets whether smooth pixel-based vertical scrolling is enabled for nodes.
AllowQuickHideColumns Obsolete. Gets or sets whether a column can be hidden by dragging it away from the Column Header Panel, even if the Customization Form is not open.
AllowRecursiveNodeChecking Gets or sets whether child nodes are automatically checked/unchecked when a parent node is checked/unchecked and vice versa.
AutoChangeParent Gets or sets whether the node’s parent field value is automatically set to the key field value of its parent node.
AutoFocusNewNode Obsolete. Gets or sets whether a newly added node is automatically focused.
AutoMoveRowFocus Obsolete. Gets or sets a value specifying whether horizontal navigation keys move focus to the next/previous node when the current node’s last/first cell is focused.
AutoNodeHeight Gets or sets whether the height of each node is automatically adjusted to completely display the contents of its cells.
AutoPopulateColumns Gets or sets whether columns should be automatically created for all the fields in the underlying data source when the Tree List doesn’t contain any columns.
AutoScrollOnSorting Gets or sets whether the Tree List is automatically scrolled to the focused node on sorting.
AutoSelectAllInEditor Gets or sets whether activating a cell editor using the or ENTER or F2 keys selects the entire editor’s content.
CanCloneNodesOnDrop Obsolete. Gets or sets whether end-users are allowed to clone nodes using drag-and-drop.
CloseEditorOnLostFocus Gets or sets whether the active editor is automatically closed when the Tree List loses focus.
CopyToClipboardWithColumnHeaders Obsolete. Gets or sets whether column captions are copied to the Clipboard.
CopyToClipboardWithNodeHierarchy Obsolete. Gets or sets whether data is copied to the Clipboard with the hierarchy information included or in a flat form.
DragNodes Obsolete. Gets or sets whether end-users are allowed to move or copy nodes using drag-and-drop.
Editable Gets or sets whether users are allowed to invoke cell editors.
EditingMode Gets or sets how users edit cell values: directly in the tree list cells or in a modal form.
EditorShowMode Gets or sets how cell editors are invoked by the mouse (click, double click, etc.).
EnableFiltering Gets or sets whether nodes can be filtered.
EnterMovesNextColumn Obsolete. Gets or sets whether the ENTER key can be used to move focus between cells.
ExpandNodeOnDrag Obsolete. Gets or sets whether collapsed nodes are automatically expanded when the node currently being dragged is hovered over them.
ExpandNodesOnFiltering Gets or sets whether collapsed nodes are automatically expanded if they match the filter criteria.
ExpandNodesOnIncrementalSearch Gets or sets a value that specifies whether collapsed nodes are expanded to display the node if it matches the search criteria.
HyperlinkClickMode Gets or sets whether and how hyperlinks in column and band headers are activated.
ImmediateEditor Gets or sets whether an in-place editor is automatically activated when a cell is clicked.
ImmediateUpdateRowPosition Gets or sets whether the tree list automatically updates the row order and row visibility after a cell value is changed.
KeepSelectedOnClick This property is obsolete. Use the TreeListOptionsSelection.KeepSelectedOnClick property instead.
MoveOnEdit Obsolete. Gets or sets whether end-users can navigate through cells using arrow keys while editing.
PopulateServiceColumns Gets or sets whether the TreeList.PopulateColumns method creates columns bound to the fields the TreeList.KeyFieldName, TreeList.ParentFieldName and TreeList.ImageIndexFieldName properties specify.
ReadOnly Gets or sets whether the current TreeList is read-only.
ResizeNodes Gets or sets whether end-users are allowed to change the heights of nodes.
ShowEditorOnMouseUp Gets or sets whether a cell’s editor is activated when the mouse button is released from a click within the cell.
ShowToolTips Gets or sets whether tooltips are displayed for the cells and column headers.
SmartMouseHover Gets or sets whether the regions occupied by the scroll bars and active cell editors are considered to be a part of the Tree List’s area.
UnboundColumnExpressionEditorMode Gets or sets the type of unbound expression editor that end-users can utilize to modify expressions for unbound columns owned by this Tree List control.
UseTabKey Obsolete. Gets or sets whether the TAB/SHIFT + TAB key combinations move focus to the next/previous node cell or to the next/previous control in the tab order.
See Also