XtraTabbedMdiManager Members
The component that displays MDI child forms as tabs and provides basic form management features. To create an advanced tabbed UI, use the DocumentManager component instead.Constructors
Name | Description |
XtraTabbedMdiManager() | Initializes a new instance of the XtraTabbedMdiManager class with default settings. |
XtraTabbedMdiManager(IContainer) | Initializes a new instance of the XtraTabbedMdiManager class which is associated with the specified container. |
Name | Description |
AccessibleDescription | Gets or sets the object’s description used by accessibility client applications. |
AccessibleName | Gets or sets the object’s name used by accessibility client applications. |
AccessibleRole | Gets or sets the object’s accessible role. |
ActiveFloatForm | Gets the currently active floating page. |
AllowDragDrop | Gets or sets whether end-users can reorder pages by dragging their headers. |
AllowGlyphSkinning | Gets or sets whether icons for all XtraMdiTabPages within the XtraTabbedMdiManager should be painted with the same color as the page header text. |
Appearance | Gets the appearance settings used to paint the MDI client. |
AppearancePage | Provides access to the properties that control the appearance of all the pages. |
BorderStyle | Gets or sets the border style of the multiple document interface (MDI) client. |
BorderStylePage | Gets or sets the border style of all the tab pages. |
Bounds | Gets the bounding rectangle of the multiple document interface (MDI) client. |
CanRaiseEvents protected | Gets a value indicating whether the component can raise an event. Inherited from Component. |
ClosePageButtonShowMode | Gets or sets whether Close buttons are displayed in individual tab pages and the tab control’s header. |
CloseTabOnMiddleClick | Gets or sets the value that determines if tabs will be closed on a mouse middle click. |
Container | Gets the IContainer that contains the Component. Inherited from Component. |
Controller | Gets or sets the bar and dock controller that controls the appearance settings of the XtraTabbedMdiManager component. |
DesignMode protected | Gets a value that indicates whether the Component is currently in design mode. Inherited from Component. |
Events protected | Gets the list of event handlers that are attached to this Component. Inherited from Component. |
FloatForms | Provides access to the collection of floating pages. |
FloatMDIChildDockDelay | Gets or sets the time interval between moving a floating page onto the tab header region and docking the page. |
FloatOnDoubleClick | Gets or sets whether a page is made floating on double-clicking its tab. |
FloatOnDrag | Gets or sets whether a page can be dragged away from the XtraTabbedMdiManager and then restored. |
FloatPageDragMode | Gets or sets how a page is dragged away from the XtraTabbedMdiManager‘s header region. |
Handler | This member supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code. |
HeaderAutoFill | Gets or sets whether the page headers should be automatically stretched to fill the empty space in a tab row. |
HeaderButtons | Gets the options that specify which tab buttons can be displayed within the header panel. |
HeaderButtonsShowMode | Gets or sets a value which specifies the display mode for the header buttons. |
HeaderLocation | Gets or sets the position of the page headers. |
HeaderOrientation | Gets or sets the orientation of the page headers. |
Images | Gets or sets the source of images that can be displayed within page headers. Use the ImageIndex property in XtraMdiTabPage.ImageOptions to assign an image to a page. |
MaxTabPageWidth | Gets or sets the default maximum width of tab headers for all pages. |
MdiParent | Gets or sets a container for multiple document interface (MDI) child forms. |
MultiLine | Gets or sets whether more than one row of page headers can be displayed. |
PageImagePosition | Gets or sets the alignment of the image displayed within the page header. |
Pages | Provides access to the tabbed MDI manager’s page collection. |
PinPageButtonShowMode | Gets or sets which XtraMdiTabPages should display a Pin Button on their tab headers. |
PreviewPageZoomRatio | Gets or sets the zoom ratio to calculate the size of a floating page’s preview version. |
RightToLeftLayout | Gets or sets whether right-to-left mirror placement is turned on. |
SelectedPage | Gets or sets the currently selected page. |
SetNextMdiChildMode | Gets or sets a value which specifies the order in which pages are cycled through. |
ShowFloatingDropHint | Gets or sets whether hints are displayed to indicate positions when a floating page is being dragged-and-dropped onto the XtraTabbedMdiManager‘s header region. |
ShowHeaderFocus | Gets or sets whether a focus frame is displayed around the selected page header. |
ShowToolTips | Gets or sets whether hints can be displayed for page headers. |
Site | Gets or sets the ISite of the Component. Inherited from Component. |
TabPageWidth | Gets or sets the width for all tab page headers within the XtraTabbedMdiManager. |
ToolTipController | Gets or sets the tooltip controller component that controls the appearance, position and content of the hints displayed for tab pages. |
UseDocumentSelector | Gets or sets whether the Document Selector feature is enabled, which allows an end-user to switch between tab pages. |
UseFormIconAsPageImage | Gets or sets whether to display a child form’s icon (Form.Icon) in the corresponding page header. |
Name | Description |
BeginUpdate() | Locks the XtraTabbedMdiManager object by preventing visual updates of the object and its elements until the EndUpdate method is called. |
CalcHitInfo(Point) | Returns information on the visual elements located at the specified point. |
CreateObjRef(Type) | Creates an object that contains all the relevant information required to generate a proxy used to communicate with a remote object. Inherited from MarshalByRefObject. |
Dispose() | Releases all resources used by the Component. Inherited from Component. |
Dock(Form, XtraTabbedMdiManager) | Moves a floating page from the specified XtraTabbedMdiManager to the current XtraTabbedMdiManager and docks the page. |
EndUpdate() | Unlocks the XtraTabbedMdiManager object after a call to the BeginUpdate method and causes an immediate visual update. |
Equals(Object, Object) static | Determines whether the specified object instances are considered equal. Inherited from Object. |
Equals(Object) | Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object. Inherited from Object. |
Float(XtraMdiTabPage, Point) | Makes the specified page floating. |
GetHashCode() | Serves as the default hash function. Inherited from Object. |
GetLifetimeService() | Retrieves the current lifetime service object that controls the lifetime policy for this instance. Inherited from MarshalByRefObject. |
GetService(Type) protected | Returns an object that represents a service provided by the Component or by its Container. Inherited from Component. |
GetType() | Gets the Type of the current instance. Inherited from Object. |
GetXtraTabbedMdiManager(Form) static | Gets the tabbed MDI manager which is associated with the specified Form. |
InitializeLifetimeService() | Obtains a lifetime service object to control the lifetime policy for this instance. Inherited from MarshalByRefObject. |
Invalidate() | Invalidates the region occupied by the multiple document interface (MDI) client. |
Invalidate(Rectangle) | Invalidates the specified region occupied by the multiple document interface (MDI) client. |
LayoutChanged() | Updates a tabbed MDI. |
MemberwiseClone() protected | Creates a shallow copy of the current Object. Inherited from Object. |
MemberwiseClone(Boolean) protected | Creates a shallow copy of the current MarshalByRefObject object. Inherited from MarshalByRefObject. |
ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) static | Determines whether the specified Object instances are the same instance. Inherited from Object. |
ToString() | Returns a String containing the name of the Component, if any. This method should not be overridden. Inherited from Component. |
Name | Description |
BeginDocking | Allows you to cancel docking a floating page onto the XtraTabbedMdiManager. |
BeginFloating | Allows you to prevent a page from becoming floating. |
CustomDocumentSelectorItem | Allows you to customize display settings of the Document Selector’s items. |
CustomDocumentSelectorSettings | Allows you to customize the Document Selector’s settings, before it’s displayed on-screen. |
CustomDrawHeaderButton | Allows you to draw a header button manually. |
CustomDrawTabHeader | Allows you to draw a tab header manually. |
Disposed | Occurs when the component is disposed by a call to the Dispose() method. Inherited from Component. |
EndDocking | Fires after a floating page has been docked to the XtraTabbedMdiManager. |
EndFloating | Fires when dropping a page that is becoming floating. |
Floating | Fires when a docked page becomes floating. |
FloatMDIChildActivated | Fires when a floating page is activated. |
FloatMDIChildDeactivated | Fires when a floating page is deactivated. |
FloatMDIChildDragging | Fires when dragging a floating page. Allows you to implement the drag-and-drop of child floating pages to another XtraTabbedMdiManager. |
MouseDown | Occurs when the mouse pointer is over a tabbed MDI and a mouse button is pressed. |
MouseEnter | Occurs when the mouse pointer enters the tabbed MDI. |
MouseLeave | Occurs when the mouse pointer leaves the tabbed MDI. |
MouseMove | Occurs when the mouse pointer moves over a tabbed MDI. |
MouseUp | Occurs when the mouse button is released if it was pressed within a tabbed MDI. |
PageAdded | Fires after a new page has been added to the XtraTabbedMdiManager.Pages collection. |
PageRemoved | Fires after a page has been removed from the XtraTabbedMdiManager.Pages collection. |
SelectedPageChanged | Fires after the selected page has been changed. |
SetNextMdiChild | Provides the ability to cycle through the pages using custom rules. |
See Also