PivotGridFormatRuleCollection Methods
A collection of PivotGridFormatRule objects.Name | Description |
Add(T) | Adds the specified object to the collection. Inherited from DXCollectionBase<T>. |
Add(TColumnType, FormatConditionRuleBase) | Applies a format based on the specified condition and associates it with the specified column (row in a vertical grid). Inherited from FormatRuleCollection<T, TColumnType>. |
Add2ColorScale(TColumnType, Color, Color, FormatConditionValueType, FormatConditionValueType, Decimal, Decimal) | Applies a format that uses a range of colors to illustrate data distribution. You can specify the minimum and maximum values and colors for them. Inherited from FormatRuleCollection<T, TColumnType>. |
Add3ColorScale(TColumnType, Color, Color, Color, FormatConditionValueType, FormatConditionValueType, FormatConditionValueType, Decimal, Decimal, Decimal) | Applies a format that uses a range of colors to illustrate data distribution. You can specify the minimum, maximum, and midpoint values, and colors for them. Inherited from FormatRuleCollection<T, TColumnType>. |
AddAboveAverageRule(TColumnType, AppearanceDefault) | Applies a format to values above average. Inherited from FormatRuleCollection<T, TColumnType>. |
AddAboveBelowAverageRule(TColumnType, AppearanceDefault, FormatConditionAboveBelowType) | Applies a format to values above or below average. Inherited from FormatRuleCollection<T, TColumnType>. |
AddAppearanceRule(TColumnType, FormatConditionRuleAppearanceBase, AppearanceDefault) | Applies a format based on the specified rule and appearance settings. Inherited from FormatRuleCollection<T, TColumnType>. |
AddBelowAverageRule(TColumnType, AppearanceDefault) | Applies a format to values below average. Inherited from FormatRuleCollection<T, TColumnType>. |
AddBottomRule(TColumnType, AppearanceDefault, Decimal) | Applies a format to cells with lowest values. Inherited from FormatRuleCollection<T, TColumnType>. |
AddDataBar(TColumnType) | Applies a format that displays bars that illustrate cell values. Inherited from FormatRuleCollection<T, TColumnType>. |
AddDateOccuringRule(TColumnType, FilterDateType, AppearanceDefault) | Obsolete. This method is obsolete (use AddDateOccurringRule). Inherited from FormatRuleCollection<T, TColumnType>. |
AddDateOccurringRule(TColumnType, FilterDateType, AppearanceDefault) | Applies a format to cells that contain specific dates. Inherited from FormatRuleCollection<T, TColumnType>. |
AddDuplicateRule(TColumnType, AppearanceDefault) | Applies a format to duplicate values. Inherited from FormatRuleCollection<T, TColumnType>. |
AddExpressionRule(TColumnType, AppearanceDefault, String) | Applies a format to cells that match a criterion expression. Inherited from FormatRuleCollection<T, TColumnType>. |
AddIconSetRule(TColumnType, FormatConditionIconSet) | Applies a format that displays icons in cells. Inherited from FormatRuleCollection<T, TColumnType>. |
AddRange(ICollection) | Adds a collection of elements to the end of the collection. Inherited from DXCollectionBase<T>. |
AddRule(FormatRuleBase) | Adds a rule to the collection. Inherited from FormatRuleCollection<T, TColumnType>. |
AddTopBottomRule(TColumnType, AppearanceDefault, FormatConditionTopBottomType, Decimal) | Applies a format to cells with highest or lowest values. Inherited from FormatRuleCollection<T, TColumnType>. |
AddTopRule(TColumnType, AppearanceDefault, Decimal) | Applies a format to cells with highest values. Inherited from FormatRuleCollection<T, TColumnType>. |
AddUniqueDuplicateRule(TColumnType, AppearanceDefault, FormatConditionUniqueDuplicateType) | Applies a format to unique or duplicate values. Inherited from FormatRuleCollection<T, TColumnType>. |
AddUniqueRule(TColumnType, AppearanceDefault) | Applies a format to unique values. Inherited from FormatRuleCollection<T, TColumnType>. |
AddValueRule(TColumnType, AppearanceDefault, FormatCondition, Object, Object) | Applies a format to cells that contain specific values. Inherited from FormatRuleCollection<T, TColumnType>. |
BeginUpdate() | Locks the PivotGridFormatRuleCollection object by preventing visual updates of the object and its elements until the PivotGridFormatRuleCollection.EndUpdate method is called. |
BeginUpdate() | Locks the CollectionChanged event until the EndUpdate() method is called. Inherited from FormatRuleCollection<T, TColumnType>. |
Clear() | Removes all objects from the DXCollectionBase<T> instance. Inherited from DXCollectionBase<T>. |
Contains(T) | Determines whether the collection contains the specified item. Inherited from DXCollectionBase<T>. |
CopyTo(T[], Int32) | Copies all the elements from the DXCollectionBase<T> instance to a one-dimensional array, starting at the specified index of the target array. Inherited from DXCollectionBase<T>. |
EndUpdate() | Unlocks the PivotGridFormatRuleCollection object after a call to the PivotGridFormatRuleCollection.BeginUpdate method and causes an immediate visual update. |
EndUpdate() | Unlocks the CollectionChanged event after a BeginUpdate() method call. Inherited from FormatRuleCollection<T, TColumnType>. |
Equals(Object, Object) static | Determines whether the specified object instances are considered equal. Inherited from Object. |
Equals(Object) | Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object. Inherited from Object. |
Find(Predicate<T>) | Searches for an element that matches the conditions defined by the specified predicate, and returns the first occurrence within the entire DXCollectionBase<T>. Inherited from DXCollectionBase<T>. |
ForEach(Action<T>) | Performs the specified action on each element of the DXCollectionBase<T>. Inherited from DXCollectionBase<T>. |
GetEnumerator() | Returns an enumerator that iterates through the DXCollectionBase<T> instance. Inherited from DXCollectionBase<T>. |
GetHashCode() | Serves as the default hash function. Inherited from Object. |
GetRule(Int32) | Returns a rule at the specified position in the collection. Inherited from FormatRuleCollection<T, TColumnType>. |
GetType() | Gets the Type of the current instance. Inherited from Object. |
IndexOf(T) | Returns the zero-based index of the specified element in the collection. Inherited from DXCollectionBase<T>. |
IndexOfRule(FormatRuleBase) | Returns the zero-based index of the specified rule in the collection. Inherited from FormatRuleCollection<T, TColumnType>. |
Insert(Int32, T) | Inserts the specified element into the collection at the specified position. Inherited from DXCollectionBase<T>. |
MemberwiseClone() protected | Creates a shallow copy of the current Object. Inherited from Object. |
ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) static | Determines whether the specified Object instances are the same instance. Inherited from Object. |
Remove(T) | Removes the specified element from the collection. Inherited from DXCollectionBase<T>. |
RemoveAt(Int32) | Removes the element at the specified index of the DXCollectionBase<T> instance. Inherited from DXCollectionBase<T>. |
Sort(IComparer<T>) | Sorts the elements in the entire DXCollectionBase<T> using the specified comparer. Inherited from DXCollectionBase<T>. |
ToArray() | Copies the DXCollectionBase<T> elements to a new array. Inherited from DXCollectionBase<T>. |
ToString() | Returns a string that describes the current object. Inherited from FormatRuleCollection<T, TColumnType>. |
ToString() | Returns a string that represents the current object. Inherited from Object. |
See Also