TileView.CustomDrawTile Event
Allows you to draw tiles manually.
Namespace: DevExpress.XtraGrid.Views.Tile
Assembly: DevExpress.XtraGrid.v24.2.dll
NuGet Packages: DevExpress.Win.Grid, DevExpress.Win.Navigation
public event EventHandler<TileViewItemCustomDrawEventArgs> CustomDrawTile
Event Data
The CustomDrawTile event's data class is TileViewItemCustomDrawEventArgs. The following properties provide information specific to this event:
Property | Description |
Appearance | Gets appearance settings for the painted tile. Inherited from TileCustomDrawEventArgs. |
Bounds | Gets or sets tile bounds. Inherited from TileCustomDrawEventArgs. |
Cache | Gets an object that stores the most used pens, fonts, and brushes. Inherited from TileCustomDrawEventArgs. |
DefaultSelectionBounds | Gets the default bounds of the selection rectangle. Inherited from TileCustomDrawEventArgs. |
DefaultSelectionColor | Gets the default color of the selection rectangle. Inherited from TileCustomDrawEventArgs. |
DefaultSelectionWidth | Gets the default thickness of the selection rectangle. Inherited from TileCustomDrawEventArgs. |
DrawingProcess | Gets the stage of the drawing process. |
Handled | Gets or sets whether to skip the default painting. Inherited from TileCustomDrawEventArgs. |
IsDisabled | Gets the disabled state of the processed tile. Inherited from TileCustomDrawEventArgs. |
IsFocused | Gets the focused state of the processed tile. |
IsHovered | Gets the hovered state of the processed tile. Inherited from TileCustomDrawEventArgs. |
IsSelected | Gets the selection state of the processed tile. Inherited from TileCustomDrawEventArgs. |
Item | Gets the processed tile. |
RowHandle | Gets the row handle of the processed tile. |
ShouldDrawBackground | Gets whether the tile should display a background. Inherited from TileCustomDrawEventArgs. |
ShouldDrawBorder | Gets whether the tile should display a border. Inherited from TileCustomDrawEventArgs. |
ShouldDrawCheckMark | Gets whether the tile should display a check mark. Inherited from TileCustomDrawEventArgs. |
ShouldDrawContent | Gets whether the tile should display content. Inherited from TileCustomDrawEventArgs. |
ShouldDrawDisabledOverlay | Gets whether the tile should display a disabled overlay. Inherited from TileCustomDrawEventArgs. |
ShouldDrawHoveredOverlay | Gets whether the tile should display a hovered overlay. Inherited from TileCustomDrawEventArgs. |
TileViewEmptySpaceBackColor | Gets the Tile View background. |
The event data class exposes the following methods:
Method | Description |
DefaultDraw() | Draws the processed tile element in its default appearance. Inherited from TileCustomDrawEventArgs. |
DrawBackground() | Draws the tile background in its default appearance. Inherited from TileCustomDrawEventArgs. |
DrawBorder() | Draws the tile border in its default appearance. Inherited from TileCustomDrawEventArgs. |
DrawCheckMark() | Draws the tile check mark in its default appearance. Inherited from TileCustomDrawEventArgs. |
DrawContent() | Draws tile content in its default appearance. Inherited from TileCustomDrawEventArgs. |
DrawDisabledOverlay() | Draws the overlay for the disabled state in its default appearance. Inherited from TileCustomDrawEventArgs. |
DrawHoveredOverlay() | Draws the overlay for the hovered state in its default appearance. Inherited from TileCustomDrawEventArgs. |
DrawHtml(HtmlTemplate, DxHtmlPainterContext, Action<DxHtmlPainterArgs>) |
Paints the specified HTML template inside the processed tile element. The context parameter allows you to assign an object that transfers mouse events to template elements.
Inherited from TileCustomDrawEventArgs. |
DrawHtml(HtmlTemplate, Action<DxHtmlPainterArgs>) | Paints the specified HTML template inside the processed tile element. Inherited from TileCustomDrawEventArgs. |
The following code snippet demonstrates the default drawing algorithm:
void tileView1_CustomDrawTile(object sender, TileViewItemCustomDrawEventArgs e) {
switch (e.DrawingProcess) {
case TileViewItemCustomDrawProcess.DrawTile:
if (e.ShouldDrawBackground)
if (e.ShouldDrawContent)
if (e.ShouldDrawHoveredOverlay)
if (e.ShouldDrawDisabledOverlay)
if (e.ShouldDrawBorder)
if (e.ShouldDrawCheckMark)
case TileViewItemCustomDrawProcess.DrawCheckMark:
case TileViewItemCustomDrawProcess.DrawSelection:
e.Handled = true;
conditions allow you to modify specific tile elements.
The following demo uses the CustomDrawTile
event to render HTML and CSS templates inside tiles:
DxHtmlPainterContext context = new DxHtmlPainterContext();
tileView1.CustomDrawTile += (s, e) => {
SampleData obj = tileView1.GetRow(e.RowHandle) as SampleData;
if (obj.Hidden) {
if (e.DrawingProcess == TileViewItemCustomDrawProcess.DrawTile) {
e.DrawHtml(htmlTemplate, context, (args) => args.InteractivityKey = obj.ID);
e.Handled = true;
<div class="tile">
<div class="text"><strong>Content of this tile is hidden</strong></div>
<div class="show-action">Show content</div>
.tile {
height: 100%;
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
align-items: center;
justify-content: center;
.show-action {
color: deepskyblue;
text-decoration: underline;
cursor: pointer;
.show-action:hover {
color: lightskyblue;
See Also