GridOptionsEditForm Properties
Provides Edit Form settings.Name | Description |
ActionOnModifiedRowChange | Gets or sets an action performed when an end-user moves focus to another grid row while an opened Edit Form contains unsaved changes. |
BindingMode | Gets or sets the mode in which data from an Edit Form is passed back to the grid. |
CustomEditFormLayout | Gets or sets the custom user control used as an Edit Form. |
EditFormColumnCount | Gets or sets the total number of layout columns within an Edit Form. |
FormCaptionFormat | Gets or sets a custom caption for an Edit From displayed as a modal window. Use field names in braces {} to display field values in the caption. |
PopupEditFormWidth | Gets or sets the width of an Edit Form displayed as a modal window. |
ShowOnDoubleClick | Gets or sets whether an Edit Form can be opened by double-clicking the mouse. |
ShowOnEnterKey | Gets or sets whether an Edit Form can be opened by the Enter key. |
ShowOnF2Key | Gets or sets whether an Edit Form can be opened with the F2 key. |
ShowUpdateCancelPanel | Gets or sets whether the Update and Cancel buttons are displayed within an Edit Form. |
See Also