GridSummaryItem Class
Represents a footer summary item.
Namespace: DevExpress.XtraGrid
Assembly: DevExpress.XtraGrid.v24.2.dll
NuGet Packages: DevExpress.Win.Grid, DevExpress.Win.Navigation
#Related API Members
The following members return GridSummaryItem objects:
Grid Views allow you to display total summaries. These are aggregate function values calculated over all records within the View and displayed within the view footer under a particular column. To set up a total summary for a column, use the column’s GridColumn.SummaryItem property. This property provides access to a GridSummaryItem object that contains total summary settings. The main settings include:
- the name of the data field whose values are used for calculations (GridSummaryItem.FieldName);
- the aggregation function type (GridSummaryItem.SummaryType);
- summary value formatting (GridSummaryItem.DisplayFormat);
Additionally, GridSummaryItem objects enable you to obtain the calculated value and its formatted representation. Use the GridSummaryItem.SummaryValue and GridSummaryItem.GetDisplayText members for this purpose.
Note that the GridSummaryItem class serves as the base for the GridGroupSummaryItem class that provides settings for group summary items. The descendant inherits the declared settings (they are common for both summary types) and additionally introduces group summary specific settings.