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ChartControl.PivotChartingCustomizeResolveOverlappingMode Event

Occurs before the chart enables a mode that allows you to avoid overlapping series labels.

Namespace: DevExpress.XtraCharts

Assembly: DevExpress.XtraCharts.v24.1.UI.dll

NuGet Package: DevExpress.Win.Charts


public event CustomizeResolveOverlappingModeEventHandler PivotChartingCustomizeResolveOverlappingMode

Event Data

The PivotChartingCustomizeResolveOverlappingMode event's data class is CustomizeResolveOverlappingModeEventArgs. The following properties provide information specific to this event:

Property Description
ResolveOverlappingMode Specifies the resolve overlapping mode for the series labels.


When a familiar data source (such as the PivotGridControl) is assigned to the chart’s ChartControl.DataSource property, and the ChartControl.AutoLayoutSettingsEnabled property is turned on, the SeriesLabelBase.ResolveOverlappingMode property is defined automatically, and cannot be customized at design time.

Handle the PivotChartingCustomizeResolveOverlappingMode event to manually adjust this option (via the CustomizeResolveOverlappingModeEventArgs.ResolveOverlappingMode property).


When possible, the resolve overlapping mode of the series labels is set to Default. Or, when there are too many labels to fit in the current diagram size - to HideOverlapped.

For more information, see Pivot Charting (Integration with a Pivot Grid Control).

See Also