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SmartSearchBehaviorProperties.ItemDescriptions Property

Gets a collection of item descriptions.

Namespace: DevExpress.AIIntegration.WinForms

Assembly: DevExpress.AIIntegration.WinForms.v24.2.dll

NuGet Package: DevExpress.AIIntegration.WinForms


public List<AIItemDescription> ItemDescriptions { get; }

Property Value

Type Description

The collection of item descriptions.


Once you attach the SmartSearchBehavior to a control, you should describe items so that Smart Search can find appropriate items. In the context of Smart Search, an item refers to a BarItem when working with a RibbonControl, or an AccordionControlElement when working with an AccordionControl.


Item descriptions are optional if an item’s text or caption is specified (for example, a bar item’s Caption property or accordion UI element’s Text property is set to a non-empty string). Although Smart Search attempts to find items based on their text/caption, we recommend that you also describe items for improved accuracy.

Use the ItemDescriptions collection property to add descriptions (AIItemDescription) for certain items. Each AIItemDescription object in the collection has two properties:

  1. AIItemDescription.Item: An item (BarItem or AccordionControlElement).
  2. AIItemDescription.Description: A string that describes the item.
using DevExpress.AIIntegration.WinForms;
using DevExpress.XtraBars.Ribbon;

public Form1() {
    // Displays a search box in the Ribbon control's caption.
    ribbon.OptionsSearchMenu.SearchItemPosition = SearchItemPosition.Caption;

    behaviorManager1.Attach<SmartSearchBehavior>(ribbon, behavior => {
        behavior.Properties.ItemDescriptions.AddRange(new AIItemDescription[]{
            new AIItemDescription(itemEnableSystemProtection, "Activates software protection against unauthorized access."),
            new AIItemDescription(itemLogin, "Displays a sign-in or login form."),
            new AIItemDescription(itemSettings, "Displays settings and options related to security and protection."),
            new AIItemDescription(itemRBAC, "Manages user access permissions and role-based access control (RBAC)."),
            new AIItemDescription(itemBackup, "Backs up (creates a copy of) sensitive data (information)."),
            new AIItemDescription(itemRestore, "Restores data from a backup database."),


Read the following help topic for additional information: AI-powered Smart Search.

See Also