How to: Export a Specific Detail View
Do the following to export a specific detail View (without a master row):
- Access a detail View (see Patterns and Clones).
- Maximize (zoom) this detail View with the BaseView.ZoomView method, or the Zoom Button.
- Export the detail View. For instance, use the BaseView.ExportToXlsx method.
- Restore the initial layout using the detail View’s NormalView method.
using DevExpress.XtraGrid.Views.Grid;
using DevExpress.Utils;
using DevExpress.XtraGrid.Views.Base;
GridView masterView = gridView1;
masterView.OptionsDetail.DetailMode = DetailMode.Classic;
int rowHandle = 3;
ColumnView detailView = gridView1.GetDetailView(rowHandle, 0) as ColumnView;