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Member Tables: Layout

  • 3 minutes to read


Member Description
NavBarControl.PaintStyleKind Allows you to specify the type of View. The NavBarControl will be rendered using the specified View type using the current LookAndFeel settings.
NavBarControl.LookAndFeel Specifies the control’s look and feel settings.
Member Description
NavBarControl.Groups Provides access to a NavBarControl’s groups.
NavBarControl.Items Provides access to a NavBarControl’s items.
NavBarGroup.ItemLinks Provides access to links, and items displayed within a specific group.
NavBarGroup.AddItem Adds an item to a group.
Member Description
NavBarGroup.GroupStyle Specifies the group’s display mode.
NavBarGroup.GroupCaptionUseImage Specifies whether a big or small image is displayed within a group caption.
NavBarControl.LargeImages The source of large images for the NavBarControl.
NavBarControl.SmallImages The source of the small images for the NavBarControl.
NavElement.LargeImageIndex Allows you to assign a large image from the NavBarControl.LargeImages list to an item/group.
NavElement.SmallImageIndex Allows you to assign a small image from the NavBarControl.SmallImages list to an item/group.
NavElement.LargeImage Allows you to assign a large image to an item/group.
NavElement.SmallImage Allows you to assign a small image to an item/group.

Distances Between Elements

Member Description
NavBarControl.LinkInterval The interval (in pixels) between neighboring links in a group.
NavBarControl.ExplorerBarGroupInterval The interval (in pixels) between neighboring groups when any Explorer Bar View is applied.
NavBarControl.ExplorerBarGroupOuterIndent The indent between the control’s borders and groups.

Expanding and Collapsing Groups

Member Description
NavBarControl.ActiveGroup Allows you to access the currently active group or activate a specific group.
NavBarControl.ActiveGroupChanged Fires when the active group changes.
NavBarGroup.Expanded Expands/collapses a group.
NavBarControl.GroupExpanded Fires immediately after a group is expanded.
NavBarControl.GroupCollapsed Fires immediately after a group is collapsed.

Scrolling the Control’s Content

Member Description
NavBarControl.ScrollMode Allows you to enable mouse wheel scrolling, depending on a control’s focused state.
NavBarControl.SkinExplorerBarViewScrollStyle Gets or sets the control’s scrolling behavior when a skinning Explorer Bar View paint scheme is applied.
NavBarGroup.TopVisibleLinkIndex Used to programmatically scroll through the control’s elements.

Embedded Controls

Member Description
NavBarGroup.GroupStyle Specifies the group’s paint style. To enable embedding controls into a group, set this property to ControlContainer.
NavBarGroup.ControlContainer Represents the surface onto which controls can be added to a group, when the GroupStyle property is set to ControlContainer.
NavBarGroup.GroupClientHeight Specifies the group’s height when any Explorer Bar View is applied.

Save and Restore Layout

Member Description
NavBarControl.SaveToRegistry Saves the control’s layout to the specified system registry path.
NavBarControl.SaveToStream Saves the control’s layout to a stream.
NavBarControl.SaveToXml Saves a control’s layout to an XML file.
NavBarControl.RestoreFromRegistry Restores the control layout stored in the system registry.
NavBarControl.RestoreFromStream Loads a control’s layout from a stream.
NavBarControl.RestoreFromXml Loads a control’s layout from an XML file.
NavBarControl.LayoutVersion Specifies the version of the control’s layout.
NavBarControl.LayoutUpgrade Allows the current layout to be customized after an earlier version of the layout has been loaded and applied to the control.