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How to: Enter date-time values

  • 3 minutes to read

The Editors library contains dedicated editors (DateEdit, TimeEdit and DateTimeOffsetEdit controls) to display and edit date-time values. However, you can allow any text editor to accept date-time values, as shown below.


To enter time intervals, use TimeSpanEdit.

#DateEdit, TimeEdit, and DateTimeOffsetEdit Controls

The DateEdit, TimeEdit and DateTimeOffsetEdit controls provide native support for date-time value input. Users can enter values in the edit box according to a specific pattern (mask) and select values from the editor’s drop-down list.

DateEdit and TimeEdit

#Change the input pattern

Use the Mask Settings dialog to change the input pattern (mask) at design time. You can use one of the following actions to open this dialog:

  • Click the Change Mask command in the editor’s smart tag menu. DateEdit - Smart Tag - Change Mask Command
  • Click the ellipsis button for the MaskSettings property in the Property Grid. DateEdit - MaskSettings in PropertyGrid

The Mask Settings dialog allows you to specify a mask and customize mask options.


To specify an input mask in code, use the Properties.EditMask or Properties.MaskSettings.MaskExpression property.

dateEdit1.Properties.MaskSettings.MaskExpression = "g"; //"Short date/short time" pattern

DateEdit - Mask g.png

For information on how to specify a mask at the data source layer, see Mask Type: Date-time. This topic also lists the available mask specifiers.

#Customize Mask Options

Check the Advanced Settings check box in the Mask Settings dialog to show mask options.

Mask Settings dialog - Mask options

These options include:

  • Increment or decrement neighboring segments when you use the editor buttons, UP and DOWN Arrow keys, or mouse wheel.
  • Automatically move the caret to the next mask segment after the user fills the current segment.
  • Use the current mask as a display format when the editor is not focused.
  • Produce a beep sound when users enter an invalid character.

The Mask Type: Date-time topic describes these options in more detail.

#Editor Values

Use the following properties to get and set values for standalone editors:

These properties are synchronized with the editor’s EditValue property, which is of the object type.

Use the EditValue property for data binding.

#Text Editors

To allow a text editor (TextEdit or its descendant) to accept date-time values, do the following:

  • Select the “DateTime”, “DateOnly”, “TimeOnly”, or “DateTime with Offset” mask type.

    Text Edit - Smart Tag - Change Mask action

  • Specify an input mask and mask settings (optional). Text Edit - Mask Settings - Mask G

  • Set the editor’s initial value to a DateTime / DateOnly / TimeOnly / DateTimeOffset value, or bind the editor to a data source field that contains values of these types.

The following example applies the “g” date-time mask to a text editor:

using DevExpress.XtraEditors.Mask;

var settings = textEdit1.Properties.MaskSettings.Configure<MaskSettings.DateTime>();
settings.MaskExpression = "g";
settings.UseAdvancingCaret = true;
textEdit1.Properties.MaskSettings.UseMaskAsDisplayFormat = true;
textEdit1.EditValue = DateTime.Now;

TextEdit-DateTime mask g

The text editor automatically converts the entered text to a DateTime / DateOnly / TimeOnly / DateTimeOffset value and assigns this value to the editor’s EditValue property.

See Also