How to: Display Set of Boolean Options in CheckedComboBoxEdit Control
The code below populates the RepositoryItemCheckedComboBoxEdit.Items collection with five items. Each item stores a string value.
You should use the CheckedComboBoxEdit.SetEditValue method to select the “Circle” and “Ellipse” items. Then, to prevent users from deselecting it, disables the “Circle” item.
This code modifies the RepositoryItemCheckedComboBoxEdit.SeparatorChar property. This changes the edit value separator character from the default comma (“,”) to a semicolon (“;”). Ensure that the SetEditValue method uses this same separator character in its parameter.
// Add check items to the control's dropdown.
string[] itemValues = new string[] {
"Circle", "Rectangle", "Ellipse",
"Triangle", "Square" };
foreach (string value in itemValues)
checkedComboBoxEdit1.Properties.Items.Add(value, CheckState.Unchecked, true);
// Specify the separator character.
checkedComboBoxEdit1.Properties.SeparatorChar = ';';
// Set the edit value.
checkedComboBoxEdit1.SetEditValue("Circle; Ellipse");
// Disable the Circle item.
checkedComboBoxEdit1.Properties.Items["Circle"].Enabled = false;