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CheckedTreeListFilterElement Class

A checked treelist filter element that allows a user to filter by hierarchical values.

Namespace: DevExpress.Xpf.Core.FilteringUI

Assembly: DevExpress.Xpf.Grid.v24.1.dll

NuGet Package: DevExpress.Wpf.Grid.Core


public class CheckedTreeListFilterElement :



Topic: Filter Elements


Run Demo: Checked Tree List Run Demo: Checked Dates Tree List

The image below shows a checked treelist filter element:

<dxg:GridControl x:Name="grid" ... />
<!-- ... -->
<dxfui:CheckedTreeListFilterElement Context="{Binding FilteringContext, ElementName=grid}" FieldName="SalesDate" /> 

FilterModelTemplate Property

Use the FilterElement.FilterModelTemplate property to specify the filter element template.


Data Context (Binding Source): CheckedTreeListFilterModel

ShowCounts Property

The CheckedTreeListFilterElement shows the record count next to filter values:

Set the FilterElement.ShowCounts property to false to not show counts.

SelectAllWhenFilterIsNull Property

Use the SelectAllWhenFilterIsNull property to specify whether to select all filter values when the filter is null.

ShowSearchPanel Property

The CheckedTreeListFilterElement shows the search panel. Set the ShowSearchPanel property to false to hide the search panel.

StringFilterTreeType / DateTimeFilterTreeType Property

Use the StringFilterTreeType / DateTimeFilterTreeType property to specify whether to show values in alphabetical / linear / hierarchical order.

See Also