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DevExpress v24.2 Update — Your Feedback Matters

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Scroll View

  • 2 minutes to read

In Scroll View, tab headers are displayed one after another in a single line. If the number of tab headers is too big to entirely fit on the Header Panel, the tab control displays scroll buttons. These buttons allow end-users to scroll through tab items. This type of view is represented by the TabControlScrollView object.


#Scroll Buttons

The scroll buttons can be automatically hidden when all the headers are visible and scrolling is not required. The visibility of the scroll buttons is specified by the TabControlScrollView.ScrollButtonShowMode property. You can choose between making both buttons permanently visible or hidden, or showing each individual button when it is possible to scroll the headers in the corresponding direction.

#Programmatic scrolling

To scroll the Header Panel in code, use the TabControlScrollView.ScrollNext and TabControlScrollView.ScrollPrev methods. The panel can also be scrolled to make the first, the last, or the selected tab header visible. To do this, use the TabControlScrollView.ScrollFirst, TabControlScrollView.ScrollLast and TabControlScrollView.ScrollToSelectedTabItem methods, respectively.

To determine whether scrolling is available, use the TabControlScrollView.CanScroll, TabControlScrollView.CanScrollNext, TabControlScrollView.CanScrollPrev and TabControlScrollView.CanScrollToSelectedTabItem properties.

#Tab headers stretching

Use the TabControlScrollView.HeaderAutoFill property to specify whether to stretch the tab headers to completely fill the Header Panel.


To learn more about the views, see Views.