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TdxSpreadSheetHyperlinks.Add(Integer,Integer) Method

Creates a new hyperlink on the parent worksheet.


function Add(const ARow: Integer; const AColumn: Integer): TdxSpreadSheetHyperlink; reintroduce; overload;


Name Type
ARow Integer
AColumn Integer




You can call any of these overloaded function variants to create a new hyperlink and add it to the collection. Different Add function variants allow you to specify the returned hyperlink’s hot area in different ways:




The function variant accepts a TRect value as the AArea parameter. The value indicates the cell range that newly created hyperlink’s hot area occupies.

Pass the Rect(-1, -1, -1, -1) value as the AArea parameter instead of a valid rectangle if you need to create a hyperlink without a cell range as a hot area. In this case, the first function variant is particularly useful if you need to assign a new hyperlink only to a floating shape, picture, text box, or comment container on the parent worksheet.


The function variant accepts a reference (as a string in the A1 format) to a cell or cell range that the newly created hyperlink uses as its hot area. If the specified reference does not correspond to a valid cell range, an Add function call raises the EdxSpreadSheetError exception. You can use the sdxErrorInvalidCellsReference resource string to localize the exception’s message.


The function variant accepts the row and column indexes of a single target cell as the ARow and AColumn parameters, respectively.

The following code example shows how to use a floating container as a hyperlink’s hot area without an additional hot area associated with a cell range:

  ATableView: TdxSpreadSheetTableView;
  AShapeContainer: TdxSpreadSheetShapeContainer;
  AHyperlink: TdxSpreadSheetHyperlink;
  ATableView := dxSpreadSheet1.ActiveSheetAsTable;
  AShapeContainer := ATableView.Containers.Add(TdxSpreadSheetShapeContainer) as TdxSpreadSheetShapeContainer;  // Creates a new floating shape container in the parent worksheet
  AHyperlink := ATableView.Hyperlinks.Add(Rect(-1, -1, -1, -1));  // Creates a new hyperlink without a hot area on the parent worksheet
  AShapeContainer.Hyperlink := AHyperlink;  // Connects the newly created hyperlink to the floating shape container
See Also