TdxSpreadSheetPictureContainer Class
A floating container with the image support.
TdxSpreadSheetPictureContainer = class(
Picture containers are different floating shapes that display loaded bitmaps. Since the TdxSpreadSheetPictureContainer class is the direct descendant of TdxSpreadSheetShapeContainer, it provides the same selection of available geometric shapes. Likewise, it supports transparency and various transformations.
The TdxSpreadSheetPictureContainer class extends its ancestor with the following members that allow you to:
Assign and customize the bitmap image used to fill the picture container’s shape (Picture);
Specify whether an end-user is able to change the bitmap’s aspect ratio by using the container’s corner sizing handles (RelativeResize).
TdxSpreadSheetPictureContainer objects are referenced by the worksheet‘s Containers collection as TdxSpreadSheetContainer objects, providing access only to the properties and methods that are common to all supported container types. To access the type-specific members of a picture container object, you need to cast it to the TdxSpreadSheetPictureContainer type.
The following code example demonstrates how to access the Picture property provided by the TdxSpreadSheetPictureContainer class:
ATableView: TdxSpreadSheetTableView;
AContainer: TdxSpreadSheetPictureContainer;
AImage: TdxSmartImage;
ATableView := TdxSpreadSheetTableView(dxSpreadSheet1.ActiveSheet);
if(OpenDialog1.Execute(Handle)) then // Open the dialog box for selecting an image for the container
ATableView.Containers.Add(TdxSpreadSheetPictureContainer); // Create the picture container
AContainer := TdxSpreadSheetPictureContainer(ATableView.Containers.Last);
AImage := TdxSmartImage.Create;
AImage.LoadFromFile(OpenDialog1.FileName); // Load an image
AContainer.Picture.Image := AImage; // Assign an image to the container
AContainer.AnchorType := catTwoCell;
AContainer.AnchorPoint1.Cell := ATableView.CreateCell(0, 0);
AContainer.AnchorPoint2.Cell := ATableView.CreateCell(4, 2);
In order to create a Tdx