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TfrmSpreadSheetConditionalFormattingRulesManagerDialog Class

The form class that implements the “Conditional Formatting Rules Manager” dialog in spreadsheet controls.


TfrmSpreadSheetConditionalFormattingRulesManagerDialog = class(


This dialog includes UI elements required to preview and manage conditional formatting rules in a target spreadsheet or container control. While spreadsheet controls use this form class to invoke the “Conditional Formatting Rules Manager”, container controls use the TfrmDataControllerConditionalFormattingRulesManagerDialog class, since a rule cannot refer to individual values and value ranges in an underlying data controller.

A global ShowConditionalFormattingRulesManagerDialog procedure invokes the “Conditional Formatting Rule” dialog only for spreadsheet controls. To invoke the corresponding dialog for a container control that supports conditional formatting, call the ShowRulesManagerDialog procedure accessible via:

If you need to adjust or customize the dialog’s UI elements, derive a custom dialog form from the TfrmSpreadSheetConditionalFormattingRulesManagerDialog class. Assign a reference to the custom “Conditional Formatting Rules Manager” dialog form class to the dxSpreadSheetConditionalFormattingRulesManagerDialogClass global variable to replace the standard dialog.


If you need to replace the standard “Conditional Formatting Rules Manager” dialog that container controls use, refer to the TfrmDataControllerConditionalFormattingRulesManagerDialog class description instead.


See Also