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DevExpress v24.2 Update — Your Feedback Matters

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TdxPanel Class

A resizable panel.


TdxPanel = class(


This control is a general-purpose panel with a customizable frame appearance and an ability to drag borders at runtime. You can use this panel to create resizable areas on a form without double borders and dedicated splitter controls.

Use the Frame property to configure the frame appearance. To allow users to drag panel borders, set the Frame.Drag.Enabled property to True.

A Resizable Panel-Based Layout

You can place a control on such a panel without gaps or double borders to create lightweight application layouts.

A Lightweight Application Layout Example

The TdxPanel class has members that allow you to do the following:

  • Specify if the panel uses its parent’s color as the default background color (ParentColor).
  • Explicitly specify the background color (Color).
  • Customize the appearance and behavior of frame borders (Frame).
  • Assign a hint message to the control (Hint).
  • Customize look & feel settings (LookAndFeel).
  • Detect the dragged border and respond to border drag operations (OnDragBorder).
  • Specify if users can focus the panel (TabStop).
See Also