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TCustomdxComponentPrinter.Print(Boolean,PdxPrintDlgData,TBasedxReportLink) Method

Prints a report on the default printer.


function Print(AShowDialog: Boolean; APrintDialogData: PdxPrintDlgData; AReportLink: TBasedxReportLink = nil): Boolean;


Name Type
AShowDialog Boolean
APrintDialogData PdxPrintDlgData
AReportLink TBasedxReportLink




The AShowDialog parameter determines whether to activate a print dialog before printing. If AShowDialog is True, the Print dialog is active.

The APrintDialogData parameter is the pointer to a structure that describes properties of a print dialog.

The AReportLink parameter specifies the link that stores a report to print. It allows users to print not only the report of the current active link, but any other from the list of available links. If nil is passed as the AReportLink parameter, then the current report link will be printed out.


TdxPrintDlgData is used internally to define print attributes. In most cases, it’s easier to use the PrintEx, PrintPage, PrintPages and PrintPagesEx methods instead of Print.

See Also