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TCustomdxComponentPrinter.DoCustomDrawReportTitle(TBasedxReportLink,TCanvas,TRect,TcxTextAlignX,TcxTextAlignY,TColor,TFont,Boolean,Integer) Method

Generates the OnCustomDrawReportTitle event.


procedure DoCustomDrawReportTitle(AReportLink: TBasedxReportLink; ACanvas: TCanvas; ARect: TRect; var ATextAlignX: TcxTextAlignX; var ATextAlignY: TcxTextAlignY; var AColor: TColor; AFont: TFont; var ADone: Boolean; APixelsNumerator: Integer = 0); virtual;


Name Type
AReportLink TBasedxReportLink
ACanvas TCanvas
ARect TRect
ATextAlignX TcxTextAlignX
ATextAlignY TcxTextAlignY
AColor TColor
AFont TFont
ADone Boolean
APixelsNumerator Integer


The DoCustomDrawReportTitle method is called when a printing component builds the image of a report’s title. The AReportLink parameter specifies the report link. The ACanvas parameter determines the drawing surface. The ARect parameter specifies the bound rectangle for drawing.

When using custom draw methods, you must manage image repainting during zoom events. It is always necessary when previewing the report and necessary only for images when printing the report. The ANom and ADenom parameters determine the coefficient of magnification and demagnification accordingly. The TextAlignX and TextAlignY parameters specify horizontal and vertical alignment. The AColor parameter sets the font color for the report’s title. The AFont parameter sets the font for the report’s title. The ADone parameter determines whether the DoCustomDrawReportTitle method processes the entire operation. TCustomdxComponentPrinter descendants can override this method to perform specific actions right after/before the OnCustomDrawReportTitle event.

See Also