TBasedxReportLink.MakeHardDelimiters(TdxReportCells,TList,TList) Method
Creates report page breaks.
procedure MakeHardDelimiters(AReportCells: TdxReportCells; AHorzDelimiters: TList; AVertDelimiters: TList); virtual;
Name | Type |
AReport |
Tdx |
AHorz |
TList |
AVert |
TList |
The MakeHardDelimiters method ignores a report page’s bounds. It splits a report at a custom position determined by a particular report column or row (see the TAbstractdxGridReportLink.AddHorizontalPageBreak and TAbstractdxGridReportLink.AddPageBreak methods).
The MakeHardDelimiters method is in effect, if the TAbstractdxGridReportLink.UseCustomPageBreaks (TcxTreeListReportLinkOptionsPagination.Custom, TdxCustomTableControlReportLinkOptionsPagination.Custom) option is active.
This method is overridden in the respective descendants, to provide a behavior specific to a particular report link.
AReportCells specifies the collection of report rows.
AHorzDelimiters specifies the collection of page breaks that split a report by columns.
AVertDelimiters specifies the collection of page breaks that split a report by rows.