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TBasedxReportLink.DrawGraphic(TCanvas,TRect,TRect,TCustomImageList,Integer,TGraphic,Boolean,Boolean,TColor) Method

Draws a graphic object in a report.


procedure DrawGraphic(Canvas: TCanvas; var R: TRect; const ClipRect: TRect; ImageList: TCustomImageList; ImageIndex: Integer; Graphic: TGraphic; GraphicTransparent: Boolean; Transparent: Boolean; BkColor: TColor); virtual;


Name Type
Canvas TCanvas
R TRect
ClipRect TRect
ImageList TCustomImageList
ImageIndex Integer
Graphic TGraphic
GraphicTransparent Boolean
Transparent Boolean
BkColor TColor


This method is designed for drawing a graphic object on a report’s surface. Call this method when custom painting a report.

The Canvas parameter determines the drawing surface. Pass the report link’s Renderer.Canvas property to the parameter.

The R parameter specifies the bound rectangle for drawing.

The ClipRect parameter specifies the bound rectangle to be drawn.

The ImageList parameter specifies the list of images from which graphics are acquired.

The ImageIndex parameter specifies the zero-based index of an image within this image list. If you do not use an image list, the Graphic parameter allows you to specify the desired image. Refer to the global FSmoothlyStretchImages variable description to learn how to custom paint images with anti-aliasing.

Set the GraphicTransparent parameter to True to print with transparency.

The BkColor parameter specifies the background color of an image.

See Also