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TBasedxReportLink.DrawSortMark(TCanvas,TRect,TdxCellSortOrder,Boolean) Method

Draws a sorting mark (arrow) in a report.


procedure DrawSortMark(Canvas: TCanvas; var R: TRect; SortOrder: TdxCellSortOrder; Mono: Boolean); virtual;


Name Type
Canvas TCanvas
R TRect
SortOrder TdxCellSortOrder
Mono Boolean


This method is indented to draw sort order arrows on a report’s surface. Call this method when custom painting a report.

The Canvas parameter determines the drawing surface. Pass the report link’s Renderer.Canvas property to the parameter.

The R parameter specifies the bound rectangle for drawing.

The SortOrder parameter specifies sorting arrow type. Possible values include:

Value Description
csoNone Sorting arrow is not drawn.
csoUp Sorting arrow pointing upwards (ascending order).
csoDown Sorting arrow pointing downwards (descending order).

The Mono parameter specifies the manner in which the sorting arrow is drawn; if True, the sorting arrow is absolutely flat; if False, the sorting arrow is drawn with 3D effects.

See Also