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DevExpress v24.2 Update — Your Feedback Matters

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TAbstractdxGridReportLink.AddPageBreak(TBoundArray,Integer,Integer) Method

Inserts custom page breaks between a linked control’s rows.


procedure AddPageBreak(const ARows: TBoundArray; AStartIndex: Integer; ACount: Integer); overload;


Name Type
ARows TBoundArray
AStartIndex Integer
ACount Integer


The first overload adds a page break before a linked control’s row specified by ARow.

Overloads take the following parameters (in the order they are listed above):

  1. ARow specifies the linked control’s row, before which, a page break is inserted.

  2. ARows specifies the array of a linked control’s rows. ACount specifies the number of rows in the array (starting from the first row), before before there is a page break.

  3. ARows specifies the array of a linked control’s rows. AStartIndex specifies the row from which to start sequential traversing in the array. ACount specifies the number of rows in the array, before there is a page break.

  4. ARows specifies the list of a linked control’s rows, before which, a page break is inserted.

  5. ARows specifies the list of a linked control’s rows, before which, a page break is inserted. AStartIndex specifies the row from which to start sequential traversing in the list. ACount specifies the number of rows in the list, before there is a page break.

  6. ARows specifies the array of a linked control’s rows, before which, a page break is inserted.

  7. ARows specifies the array of a linked control’s rows, before which, a page break is inserted. AStartIndex specifies the row from which to start sequential traversing in the array. ACount specifies the number of rows in the array, before there is a page break.

  8. ARows specifies the array of a linked control’s rows, before which, a page break is inserted.

  9. ARows specifies the array of a linked control’s rows, before which, a page break is inserted. AStartIndex specifies the row from which to start sequential traversing in the array. ACount specifies the number of rows in the array, before there is a page break.

See Also