TdxNavBarCustomDrawEvents.NavigationPaneOverflowPanelHint Event
Enables you to custom paint the hints displayed for the overflow panel’s icons.
property NavigationPaneOverflowPanelHint: TdxNavBarCustomDrawGroupHintEvent read; write;
This Sender parameter identifies the NavBar control whose hint is to be painted.
The ACanvas parameter provides the painting surface. The group whose corresponding icon is currently hot-tracked is passed as the AGroup parameter. The default hint string is passed as the AHint parameter.
The hint’s bounding rectangle is passed as the R parameter. By default, this rectangle is automatically calculated to fit the hint string, which is the corresponding group’s caption. You can also specify hint rectangles manually by handling the OnCalcNavigationPaneOverflowPanelHintRect event.
You should set the AHandled parameter to True to prohibit default painting after the event handler’s execution. Otherwise, the control will paint the hint using the default painting mechanism.
hints for the overflow panel’s icons are enabled provided that the Options