TdxCustomNavBar.OnCalcNavigationPaneOverflowPanelHintRect Event
Enables you to calculate hint rectangles for icons displayed within the overflow panel.
property OnCalcNavigationPaneOverflowPanelHintRect: TdxNavBarCalcGroupHintRectEvent read; write;
Handle the OnCalcNavigationPaneOverflowPanelHintRect
event to provide custom bound rectangles for the hints that are displayed when pointing with the mouse cursor to the overflow panel’s icons. This is useful if you need to custom paint these hints by handling the OnCustomDraw.NavigationPaneOverflowPanel event.
The event’s Sender parameter identifies the NavBar control whose event is being handled. The AGroup parameter returns the group whose corresponding icon’s hint is about to be displayed. The control’s ViewInfo information is passed via the AViewInfo parameter. The hint’s bounding rectangle should be assigned to the R parameter. Note that only the rectangle’s width and height are taken into account – the hint is always positioned automatically.
hints for the overflow panel’s icons are enabled provided that the OptionsTrue