TdxNavBarCustomDrawEvents.GroupHint Event
Allows you to custom paint group hints.
property GroupHint: TdxNavBarCustomDrawGroupHintEvent read; write;
The Sender parameter specifies the sender of the event. The sender of the event is the NavBar control.
The ACanvas parameter specifies an object of the TCanvas type which provides access to the drawing space of the NavBar group hint.
The AGroup parameter specifies an object of the TdxNavBarGroup type which represents the NavBar group whose hint needs repainting.
The AHint parameter specifies text content of the group hint.
The R parameter specifies an object of the TRect type which represents rectangular dimensions of the NavBar group hint. The parameter’s initial values are calculated by the control itself, but you can change them.
The AHandled parameter specifies whether further group hint painting is needed. Set the parameter to True to disable the default paining routines; set it to False to perform the default painting routines after the custom painting.