TdxNavBarCustomDrawEvents.GroupClientForeground Event
Allows you to custom paint a group’s client foreground area.
property GroupClientForeground: TdxNavBarCustomDrawGroupEvent read; write;
Handle this event to perform custom painting of the NavBar group client foreground. This event can be used to paint any custom data within a group. It is used together with the OnCalcGroupClientHeight event that specifies the height of the group.
The Sender parameter specifies the sender of the event. The sender of the event is the NavBar control.
The ACanvas parameter specifies an object of the TCanvas type which provides access to the drawing space of the NavBar group client foreground.
The AViewInfo parameter specifies an object of the TdxNavBarGroupViewInfo type that stores ViewInfo information of the NavBar group. Use the Group property provided by the parameter to determine which NavBar group’s client foreground is currently being drawn.
The AHandled parameter specifies whether further group client foreground painting is needed. Set the parameter to True to disable the default paining routines; set it to False to perform the default painting routines after the custom painting.