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TdxDynamicItemList Members

A positional sparse list of abstract doubly linked items.


Name Description
Count Returns the list’s current capacity.
FirstIndex Returns the first stored item‘s position within the list.
Items Provides zero-based indexed access the list’s content.
LastIndex Returns the last stored item‘s position within the sparse item list.


Name Description
Clear Clears the positional sparse list.
CreateItem(Integer) protected Creates a new item at the specified position within the list.
DeleteItem(TdxDynamicListItem) protected Removes the specified item from the list.
Equals(TObject) Inherited from TObject.
FindItem(Integer) protected Returns the stored item by the specified index within the list.
ForEach(TdxDynamicItemListForEachProcRef,Boolean) protected Applies the specified procedure to a range of items stored within the list.
GetHashCode Inherited from TObject.
GetItemClass protected Returns a class-reference to the actual dynamic list item class.
InsertItem(TdxDynamicListItem,TdxDynamicListItem) protected Inserts an item adjacent to the specified item within the list.
ShiftIndexes(Integer,Integer) protected Shifts a range of sparse list positions by the specified value.
ToString Inherited from TObject.
See Also