TdxChartAreaSeriesPointDrawParameters Class
Stores series point draw settings in an Area series View.
TdxChartAreaSeriesPointDrawParameters = class(
The TdxChartAreaSeriesPointDrawParameters
class implements the settings you can customize to change the appearance of individual series point markers as well as line and filled area segments in a Simple, Stacked, or Full-Stacked Area series. An area segment associated with a series point connects its marker with the marker of the previous point in the same series.
Handle an XY diagram‘s OnGetSeriesPointDrawParameters event to change the appearance of individual series points based on certain conditions as demonstrated in the code example below.
#Main API Members
The list below outlines key members of the TdxChartAreaSeriesPointDrawParameters
class. These members allow you to customize the appearance of an individual series point in an Area series.
- MarkerAppearance
- Allows you to change fill and outline settings of the currently processed series point’s marker.
- Appearance
Provides access to area appearance settings.
You can use this property to change fill settings of the area segment between the currently processed point and the previous series point.
The Appearance.
Opacity property has no effect on the filled area. You need to assign a TdxAlpha value to Appearance.Color Fill and Appearance.Options. Color Fill properties with the required opacity values.Options. Color2
#Code Example: Customize Individual Series Points
The following code example demonstrates a diagram’s OnGetSeriesPointDrawParameters event handler that changes the appearance settings of points with peak values in a Simple Area series:
procedure TMyForm.cdAreaGetSeriesPointDrawParameters(Sender: TdxChartCustomDiagram;
AArgs: TdxChartGetSeriesPointDrawParametersEventArgs);
AAreaDrawParameters: TdxChartAreaSeriesPointDrawParameters;
ASeries: TdxChartCustomSeries;
AIndex: Integer;
if AArgs.SeriesPoint.Series.Caption = 'DevAV South' then
if AArgs.DrawParameters.ClassType <> TdxChartAreaSeriesPointDrawParameters then Exit;
AAreaDrawParameters := AArgs.DrawParameters as TdxChartAreaSeriesPointDrawParameters;
AIndex := AArgs.SeriesPoint.Index;
ASeries := AArgs.SeriesPoint.Series;
if ((AIndex = 0) and (ASeries.Points.Values[AIndex] > ASeries.Points.Values[AIndex + 1])) or
((AIndex > 0) and (AIndex < ASeries.Points.Count - 1) and
(ASeries.Points.Values[AIndex] > ASeries.Points.Values[AIndex + 1]) and
(ASeries.Points.Values[AIndex] > ASeries.Points.Values[AIndex - 1])) then
AAreaDrawParameters.MarkerAppearance.FillOptions.Color := TdxAlphaColors.Red;
AAreaDrawParameters.Appearance.FillOptions.Color := TdxAlphaColors.OrangeRed;
AAreaDrawParameters.Appearance.FillOptions.Mode := TdxFillOptionsMode.Hatch;
AAreaDrawParameters.Appearance.FillOptions.HatchStyle := TdxFillOptionsHatchStyle.ForwardDiagonal;
AAreaDrawParameters.Appearance.FillOptions.Color2 := TdxAlphaColors.Teal;
AAreaDrawParameters.Appearance.StrokeOptions.Color := TdxAlphaColors.Red;
AAreaDrawParameters.Appearance.StrokeOptions.Style := TdxStrokeStyle.Solid;
#Indirect TdxChartLineSeriesPointDrawParameters Class Reference
The TdxChartGetSeriesPointDrawParametersEventArgs.DrawParameters property references the TdxChartLineSeriesPointDrawParameters
class as a TdxChartSeriesPointDrawParameters object when a diagram’s OnGetSeriesPointDrawParameters event occurs for an XY series with the active Simple, Stacked, or Full-Stacked Line View.
You need to cast a TdxChartSeriesPointDrawParameters object to the TdxChartLineSeriesPointDrawParameters
class to access all draw settings of a series point in a Simple, Stacked, or Full-Stacked Line series.
You can call a Tdx