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TdxChartXYSeriesAreaAppearance.Opacity Property

Adjusts the opacity of the default fill colors.


property Opacity: Byte read; write;

Property Value

Type Description

The filled area opacity.

The property value ranges from 0 (completely transparent) to 255 (opaque).”


Use the Opacity property to change the filled area opacity if the series uses the default fill settings.

Value Examples

Value Example[1]
135 (default) VCL Chart Control: The Default Area Opacity
50 VCL Chart Control: The Area Opacity is 50


The Opacity property has no effect on custom area fill settings. You need to assign custom TdxAlphaColor values with the required opacity.

Default Value

The Opacity property’s default value is 135.

  1. This example demonstrates different Opacity property values for the same DevAV North series.

See Also