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TcxCustomEditorRowProperties Properties

The base class for all classes that implement vertical grid row settings.
Name Description
Caption Specifies the text for the current row header. Inherited from TcxCaptionRowProperties.
Collection Inherited from TCollectionItem.
DataBinding protected
DisplayName Inherited from TCollectionItem.
EditProperties Provides access to active in-place editor settings.
EditPropertiesClass Specifies a reference to the editor properties class that corresponds to the active in-place editor type.
EditPropertiesClassName Specifies the in-place editor type by its class name.
Filtered Inherited from TcxCaptionRowProperties.
HeaderAlignmentHorz Specifies the horizontal alignment of the row’s header text. Inherited from TcxCaptionRowProperties.
HeaderAlignmentVert Specifies the vertical alignment of the row’s header text. Inherited from TcxCaptionRowProperties.
Hint Specifies the text in the hint window that appears when the user positions the mouse cursor over the row header. Inherited from TcxCaptionRowProperties.
ID Inherited from TCollectionItem.
ImageIndex Specifies the image index for the current row’s header. Inherited from TcxCaptionRowProperties.
Index Inherited from TCollectionItem.
ItemIndex Returns the vertical grid row index.
Options protected Provides access to settings that control a user’s capability to manipulate a row.
RepositoryItem Specifies an edit repository item component for the vertical grid row.
Row Identifies the current row. Inherited from TcxCustomRowProperties.
Value protected Specifies the value for the data cell of the row’s focused record.
Values Provides indexed access to the row’s values.
VisibleForExpressionEditor Specifies an editor row’s visibility in the “Expression Editor Dialog“ dialog.
See Also