TcxVerticalGrid Class
In This Article
The vertical grid control that implements single record and banded layouts.
TcxVerticalGrid = class(
This class inherits from the TcxUnboundVerticalGrid class and publishes the LayoutStyle property. It allows you to switch the record layout:
- Single record layout – the vertical grid control displays a single record at a time. If the control’s height is less than the record’s height, a vertical scrollbar is displayed.
- Banded layout – the vertical grid control displays a single record at a time. If the record’s height is greater than the control’s height, the record is wrapped within the control.
The TcxVerticalGrid class provides several option sets affecting aspects of the control’s functionality and appearance:
OptionsBehavior, these settings determine how the vertical grid control will react to end-user actions;
OptionsData, these settings determine the functionality of a data-aware grid control;
OptionsView, these settings control the appearance of the vertical grid control.
See Also