TcxEditorRowPropertiesOptions Class
Contains an editor row‘s end-user capability settings.
TcxEditorRowPropertiesOptions = class(
This class provides the following members that allow you to:
Protect the displayed data from accidental changes (Editing).
Disable data filter operations for an editor row (Filtering).
Show or hide buttons of an in-place editor (ShowEditButtons).
Select a filter dropdown type for an editor row (FilterPopupMode).
Customize common filter dropdown settings (FilterPopup).
Customize an Excel-inspired filter dropdown’s settings (ExcelFilterPopup).
Exclude the editor row from search via the Find Panel (FilteringWithFindPanel).
Exclude the editor row from incremental search (IncSearch).
Ignore the time part for date-time values (IgnoreTimeForFiltering).
An editor row’s Properties.Options property references a TcxEditorRowPropertiesOptions object.