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cxVGrid Unit


Name Description
TcxCaptionRowProperties Contains settings that define the appearance and behavior of the header or category row for the editor.
TcxCategoryRow Represents category row in the grid control.
TcxCategoryRowStyles Contains the category row style settings.
TcxCollectionItemEditorRowProperties Represents a base class for the multi editor row items.
TcxCustomEditorRow Represents the base class for editor rows in the grid control.
TcxCustomEditorRowProperties The base class for all classes that implement vertical grid row settings.
TcxCustomMultiEditorRow Represents the base class for multi editor rows in the grid control.
TcxCustomRow The base class that represents base interface structure and common functionality for rows of different types in the grid control.
TcxCustomRowHeaderInfo Stores ViewInfo information about a row header.
TcxCustomRowProperties The base class for classes that store vertical grid row settings.
TcxCustomRowViewInfo Stores ViewInfo information on category, simple, and multi-editor vertical grid rows.
TcxCustomVerticalGrid The base class for Vertical Grid controls.
TcxEditorPropertiesCollection Represents a collection of multi editor row items.
TcxEditorRow An unbound vertical grid row.
TcxEditorRowItemProperties Contains settings that define the appearance and behavior of an item in a multi editor row.
TcxEditorRowProperties Stores vertical grid row settings in unbound mode.
TcxEditorRowPropertiesExcelFilterPopupOptions Contains settings of an editor row‘s Excel-inspired filter dropdown.
TcxEditorRowPropertiesFilterPopupIncrementalFilteringOptions Contains incremental filtering settings of an editor row.
TcxEditorRowPropertiesFilterPopupOptions Contains an editor row‘s filter dropdown settings.
TcxEditorRowPropertiesOptions Contains an editor row‘s end-user capability settings.
TcxEditorRowStyles Provides access to the style settings of a vertical grid editor row.
TcxMultiEditorRow Represents the multi editor row in the grid control.
TcxMultiEditorRowProperties Contains settings that define the multi editor row’s appearance and behavior.
TcxMultiEditorRowPropertiesOptions Contains options for the multi editor row item.
TcxRowCaptionInfo Stores ViewInfo information about a row item caption.
TcxRowOptions Contains settings for customizing row behavior.
TcxRowValueInfo Stores ViewInfo information about a row data cell.
TcxUnboundVerticalGrid The base class for vertical grid controls implementing single record and banded layouts.
TcxVerticalGrid The vertical grid control that implements single record and banded layouts.
TcxVerticalGridCustomizing Represents the grid’s Customization Form.
TcxVerticalGridDateTimeHandling Contains settings that determine how a vertical grid control shows and filters out date-time values.
TcxVerticalGridFilterBox Contains the find panel settings in vertical grid controls.
TcxVerticalGridFiltering Contains a vertical grid control’s filter settings.
TcxVerticalGridFilteringRowExcelPopupOptions Contains settings of an Excel-inspired filter dropdown in vertical grid controls.
TcxVerticalGridFilteringRowPopupOptions Contains settings common to all filter dropdowns that a vertical grid control uses.
TcxVerticalGridRows A vertical grid control’s row collection.
TcxVerticalGridScrollbarAnnotationOptions Stores a vertical grid‘s scrollbar annotation options.
TcxVerticalGridStyles Provides access to the grid’s style settings.
TcxvgCustomRowStyles The TcxvgCustomRowStyles is the base class for classes that represent style settings for different types of the vertical grid rows.
TcxvgHitTest Contains HitTest information about the vertical grid elements located under the mouse pointer.
TcxvgMultiRecordsOptionsBehavior Contains behavior and functionality settings that the virtual and data-aware Vertical Grid controls provide.
TcxvgMultiRecordsOptionsData Contains settings affecting the data-aware functionality of a vertical grid control.
TcxvgMultiRecordsOptionsView Contains settings for customizing the grid control appearance in the multiple record layout.
TcxvgOptionsBehavior Contains settings determining the grid control response to user actions.
TcxvgOptionsView Contains settings for customizing appearance of the grid control.
TcxVirtualVerticalGrid The vertical grid control that implements single record, multi record and banded layouts.


Name Description
TcxvgGridLines Enumerates the available grid lines.
TcxvgLayoutStyle Enumerates the available layout styles.
TcxvgPaintStyle Enumerates the available painting styles of the vertical grid control.
TcxvgUnboundLayoutStyle Enumerates the available layout styles of an unbound vertical grid.
TSeparatorKind Enumerates the available kinds of grid separators.