TcxVirtualVerticalGrid Class
In This Article
The vertical grid control that implements single record, multi record and banded layouts.
TcxVirtualVerticalGrid = class(
TcxVirtualVerticalGrid implements a vertical grid control with single record, multi record, and banded layouts. The grid is able to work in Provider Mode. It inherits its basic functionality from its ancestor and declares the LayoutStyle property. This property controls the following record layouts:
- single record layout – the vertical grid control displays a single record at a time. If the control’s height is less than the record’s height, a vertical scrollbar is displayed.
- banded layout – the vertical grid control displays a single record at a time. If the record’s height is greater than the control’s height, the record is wrapped within the control.
- multi record layout – the vertical grid displays a header column with row captions and several data columns, corresponding to different records. If the control’s height is less than the record’s height, a vertical scrollbar is displayed.
The TcxVirtualVerticalGrid class is the base class for the TcxDBVerticalGrid control and also implements TcxFilterControl and TcxNavigator functionality.
See Also