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TcxCustomEditorRowProperties.OnGetFilterImages Event

Allows you to replace images displayed in an edit row’s filter pop-up window.


property OnGetFilterImages: TcxGetFilterImagesEvent read; write;


An edit row’s filter pop-up window automatically displays images for filter items if the row uses a TcxImageComboBox instance as an in-place editor. The filter pop-up window retrieves filter item images from the image list assigned to the editor’s Properties.Images property:

Automatically Displayed Filter Item Images

Handle the OnGetFilterImages event to replace automatically displayed filter item images or display images for filter items if the editor row does not use an Image Combo Box as an in-place editor. Additionally, you can rearrange displayed images or hide them for specific filter items. If you need to hide automatically displayed filter item images, assign nil (in Delphi) or nullptr (in C++Builder) to the AImages parameter within an OnGetFilterImages event handler:

procedure TMyForm.vgOrdersPaymentTypeGetFilterImages(
  Sender: TObject; AValueList: TcxFilterValueList;
  var AImages: TCustomImageList);
  AImages := nil;

Refer to the TcxGetFilterImagesEvent procedural type description for an additional code example and detailed information on parameters accessible within an OnGetFilterImages event handler.

See Also