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TcxSchedulerOptionsView Members

Stores the Scheduler control‘s appearance settings.


Name Description
Create(TcxCustomScheduler) Initializes a new instance of the TcxSchedulerOptionsView class with specified settings.


Name Description
ActualStartOfWeek Gets the day, which is treated as the first day in each week.
AdditionalTimeZone Specifies the time zone for the second time ruler.
AdditionalTimeZoneDaylightSaving Specifies whether daylight saving time is applied to the second time ruler.
AdditionalTimeZoneLabel Specifies the name of the second time ruler in the scheduling area.
CurrentTimeZone Specifies the time zone for the primary time ruler.
CurrentTimeZoneDaylightSaving Specifies whether daylight saving time is applied to the primary time ruler.
CurrentTimeZoneLabel Specifies the name of the primary time ruler in the scheduler control.
DayBorderColor Specifies the day’s borders color.
EventBorderColor Specifies the user event‘s outline color.
EventHeight Specifies the height of the user event‘s rectangle.
GroupingKind Specifies the kind of schedules grouping in the scheduling area.
GroupSeparatorWidth Specifies the group separator’s width in pixels.
HideSelection Specifies whether the selected time block remains highlighted when the scheduler control loses focus.
HorzSplitterWidth Specifies the width of the horizontal splitter in pixels.
ResourceHeaders Represents settings for the resource header.
ResourcesPerPage Specifies how many resources are shown in the scheduling area at a time.
RotateResourceCaptions Specifies whether the captions of resource headers are displayed horizontally or vertically under the Week, Weeks, or TimeGrid View, when schedules are grouped by dates.
Scheduler Represents the scheduler control to which the current settings apply.
ShowAdditionalTimeZone Specifies whether the second time ruler is shown in the scheduling area.
ShowEventsWithoutResource Specifies whether user events that do not belong to any resource are visible in the scheduling area whose content is grouped by resources or dates.
ShowHints Specifies whether the hint window is displayed when an end-user positions the mouse pointer over the user event‘s rectangle.
ShowNavigationButtons Specifies whether user event navigation buttons are to be displayed in the View.
StartOfWeek Specifies the day, which will be treated as the first day in each week.
Style Specifies the scheduler control’s visual style.
VertSplitterWidth Specifies the width of the vertical splitter in pixels.
ViewPosition Specifies the position of the scheduling area with respect to the Date Navigator and Control Box panes in the scheduler control.
WorkDays Specifies the days that contain work hours.
WorkFinish Specifies the end of the work hours, displayed in the scheduling area.
WorkStart Specifies the beginning of the work hours, displayed in the scheduling area.


Name Description
Assign(TPersistent) Inherited from TPersistent.
AssignTo(TPersistent) Inherited from TPersistent.
Equals(TObject) Inherited from TObject.
GetHashCode Inherited from TObject.
GetNamePath Inherited from TPersistent.
GetOwner Inherited from TPersistent.
ToString Inherited from TObject.
See Also