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TcxSchedulerContentPopupMenuItems Type

Enumerates the available items of the popup menu invoked for time blocks in the scheduling area.


TcxSchedulerContentPopupMenuItems = set of TcxSchedulerContentPopupMenuItem;

Referenced Class



Values include:

Value Meaning
cpmiNewEvent Specifies the Event dialog which details the user event.
cpmiNewAllDayEvent Specifies the Event dialog with the checked All day event check box in it (corresponds to the user event’s AllDayEvent property).
cpmiNewReccuringEvent Specifies the Event dialog and also above it the Event recurrence modal dialog box (corresponds to the user event’s RecurrenceInfo property).
cpmiToday Specifies the item that provides navigation to the current date (provided by the host) for displaying in the scheduling area.
cpmiGoToDate Specifies invoking the Go To modal dialog that provides a means for selecting another date to be displayed in the scheduling area.
cpmiGoToThisDay Specifies the item that provides navigation to the date the popup menu is invoked for. This item can only be invoked in the Week, Weeks, Year, or TimeGrid View.
cpmiResourcesLayout Specifies invoking the Resources layout editor modal dialog for editing of the layout of resource groups specified.
See Also