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TcxGridChartView Events

A grid Chart View.
Name Description
DataControllerEvents Inherited from TcxCustomGridView.
OnActiveDataLevelChanged Occurs every time the active data level changes.
OnActiveDiagramChanged Occurs when an active diagram is changed.
OnCustomDrawLegend Occurs every time a chart legend is about to be drawn.
OnCustomDrawLegendItem Occurs every time a legend item is about to be drawn.
OnCustomization Inherited from TcxCustomGridView.
OnDataGroupPosChanged Occurs when an end-user repositions a data level in the data level navigator.
OnDblClick Occurs when an end-user double-clicks within the current View. Inherited from TcxCustomGridView.
OnDragDrop Occurs when a user drops the object being dragged within the current View. Inherited from TcxCustomGridView.
OnDragOver Occurs when a user drags an object over the current View. Inherited from TcxCustomGridView.
OnEndDrag Occurs when finishing dragging an object. Inherited from TcxCustomGridView.
OnFirstVisibleCategoryIndexChanged Occurs after the first visible category in a paged diagram has been changed.
OnGetStoredProperties Occurs when the list of the current View’s properties that will be stored in external storage is produced. Inherited from TcxCustomGridView.
OnGetStoredPropertyValue Occurs when the values of the current View’s properties are stored in external storage. Inherited from TcxCustomGridView.
OnGetValueHint Occurs when the text of a hint for a series value in the View needs to be determined.
OnInitStoredObject Occurs when a non-existent View element that is present within storage is created within the View. Inherited from TcxCustomGridView.
OnKeyDown Inherited from TcxCustomGridView.
OnKeyPress Inherited from TcxCustomGridView.
OnKeyUp Inherited from TcxCustomGridView.
OnMouseDown Occurs when an end-user presses a mouse button and the mouse pointer is located over the current View. Inherited from TcxCustomGridView.
OnMouseEnter Occurs when the mouse pointer moves over the current View. Inherited from TcxCustomGridView.
OnMouseLeave Occurs when the mouse pointer leaves the current View. Inherited from TcxCustomGridView.
OnMouseMove Inherited from TcxCustomGridView.
OnMouseUp Occurs when an end-user releases a mouse button that was pressed and the mouse pointer is located over the current View. Inherited from TcxCustomGridView.
OnMouseWheel Inherited from TcxCustomGridView.
OnMouseWheelDown Inherited from TcxCustomGridView.
OnMouseWheelUp Inherited from TcxCustomGridView.
OnSeriesPosChanged Occurs when an end-user modifies the visible position of a series in categories.
OnSetStoredPropertyValue Occurs when the values of the current View’s properties are restored from external storage. Inherited from TcxCustomGridView.
OnStartDrag Occurs when a user starts dragging by left-clicking the current View. Inherited from TcxCustomGridView.
OnValueClick Occurs when a data marker for a particular chart value is clicked.
StylesEvents Inherited from TcxCustomGridView.
See Also