TcxGridChartView Class
A grid Chart View.
TcxGridChartView = class(
This class implements an unbound Chart View and provides the ability to visualize data using the following chart diagrams: bar, column, line, area, and pie diagrams. A Chart View displays a single diagram at a time.
Series, data groups, and the default categories are called chart items. These items provide data to be displayed in Chart Views.
Chart Views can optionally display a chart toolbox, a specially designed tools panel that provides:
End-user diagram appearance customization (diagram selector and chart customization button);
An interactive data mining mechanism (the data level navigator).
In addition to the settings inherited from the base TcxCustomGridView class, the TcxGridChartView
class introduces properties that control the following Chart View attributes, items, and visual elements:
Appearance settings of each diagram type (DiagramBar, DiagramColumn, DiagramLine, DiagramArea, and DiagramPie).
The diagram that is used to render the View (ActiveDiagram).
Diagram types available to render the View (AvailableDiagrams and AvailableDiagramCount).
Series (Series, SeriesCount, VisibleSeries, VisibleSeriesCount, and SortedSeries).
Data groups (DataGroups, DataGroupCount, VisibleDataGroups, and VisibleDataGroupCount).
The data level used to categorize chart values in the View and the data group which corresponds to this data level (ActiveDataLevel and ActiveDataGroup).
Appearance settings of all categories, a chart’s title, toolbox, and legend (Categories, Title, Toolbox, and Legend, respectively).
Option sets that allow you to customize various aspects of the Chart View, such as appearance settings, customization capabilities, and behavior in response to end-user actions (OptionsView, OptionsCustomize, and OptionsBehavior).
A set of View element styles (Styles).
Data and View controllers (DataController and Controller).