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TcxGridChartToolBox.DataLevelActiveValueDropDownWidth Property

Specifies the width (in pixels) of all dropdowns associated with data levels that have active values assigned.


property DataLevelActiveValueDropDownWidth: Integer read; write; default 0;

Property Value

Type Default
Integer 0


Use the DataLevelActiveValueDropDownWidth property to limit the width of these dropdowns if their items are long strings. By default, the width of a data level’s dropdown is calculated automatically to fit all its possible active values. If the DataLevelActiveValueDropDownWidth property is set to a positive integer, the width of a dropdown is calculated as the maximum of a dropdown item’s width and the DataLevelActiveValueDropDownWidth value. Thus, if this property’s value exceeds the width of a dropdown item, then it specifies the actual width of a dropdown. Otherwise, the width of a dropdown will be equal to the width of its item.

The default value of the DataLevelActiveValueDropDownWidth property is 0.

See Also