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TcxGridCardViewInfo Members

Contains the ViewInfo information needed to draw cards.


Name Description
Create(TcxCustomGridRecordsViewInfo,TcxCustomGridRecord) Initializes a new instance of the TcxCustomGridRecordViewInfo class with specified settings. Inherited from TcxCustomGridRecordViewInfo.
Create(TcxCustomGridViewInfo) Initializes a new instance of the TcxCustomGridViewCellViewInfo class with specified settings. Inherited from TcxCustomGridViewCellViewInfo.
Create(TPersistent) Creates a new TcxOwnedPersistent class descendant instance. Inherited from TcxOwnedPersistent.


Name Description
Bounds Returns the bounding rectangle of a specific cell. Inherited from TcxCustomGridCellViewInfo.
MultiLine Inherited from TcxCustomGridCellViewInfo.
MultiLinePainting Inherited from TcxCustomGridCellViewInfo.
Params Returns the cell’s style settings. Inherited from TcxCustomGridCellViewInfo.


Name Description
ActualState Inherited from TcxCustomGridCellViewInfo.
AlignmentHorz Specifies the horizontal alignment of a cell’s content. Inherited from TcxCustomGridCellViewInfo.
AlignmentVert Specifies the vertical alignment of a cell’s content. Inherited from TcxCustomGridCellViewInfo.
BackgroundBitmap Contains the background bitmap assigned to the current grid element. Inherited from TcxCustomGridCellViewInfo.
BorderBounds Contains the bounding rectangle of a specific cell. Inherited from TcxCustomGridCellViewInfo.
BorderColor Obtains the border color of a cell. Inherited from TcxCustomGridCellViewInfo.
Borders Specifies the displayed borders of a cell. Inherited from TcxCustomGridCellViewInfo.
BorderSize Obtains the size of a cell border in pixels. Inherited from TcxCustomGridCellViewInfo.
ButtonState Inherited from TcxCustomGridCellViewInfo.
Calculated Inherited from TcxCustomGridCellViewInfo.
ClientBounds Inherited from TcxCustomGridCellViewInfo.
Col Inherited from TcxGridCustomLayoutRecordViewInfo.
ContentBounds Inherited from TcxCustomGridRecordViewInfo.
ContentHeight Contains the height of a specific cell excluding the border size, in pixels. Inherited from TcxCustomGridCellViewInfo.
ContentWidth Contains the width of a specific cell excluding the border size. Inherited from TcxCustomGridCellViewInfo.
ExpandButtonBounds Inherited from TcxCustomGridRecordViewInfo.
Focused Inherited from TcxCustomGridRecordViewInfo.
FocusRectBounds Inherited from TcxCustomGridRecordViewInfo.
FullyVisible Inherited from TcxCustomGridRecordViewInfo.
GridViewInfo Inherited from TcxCustomGridRecordViewInfo.
Height Contains the height of a specific cell in pixels. Inherited from TcxCustomGridCellViewInfo.
HideFocusRectOnExit Inherited from TcxCustomGridRecordViewInfo.
HintText Inherited from TcxCustomGridViewCellViewInfo.
HotTracked Inherited from TcxCustomGridRecordViewInfo.
Index Inherited from TcxCustomGridRecordViewInfo.
IsRightToLeftConverted Inherited from TcxCustomGridCellViewInfo.
LookAndFeelPainter Inherited from TcxCustomGridViewCellViewInfo.
MouseCapture Inherited from TcxCustomGridCellViewInfo.
Owner protected Provides access to the persistent object to which the current property set or persistent information container belongs. Inherited from TcxOwnedPersistent.
RealBounds Inherited from TcxCustomGridCellViewInfo.
Row Inherited from TcxGridCustomLayoutRecordViewInfo.
ScaleFactor Inherited from TcxCustomGridCellViewInfo.
Selected Inherited from TcxCustomGridRecordViewInfo.
State Allows users to change the cell state at runtime. Inherited from TcxCustomGridCellViewInfo.
Text Specifies cell text. Inherited from TcxCustomGridCellViewInfo.
TextAreaBounds Contains the rectangle bounding a cell’s text area. Inherited from TcxCustomGridCellViewInfo.
TextBounds Inherited from TcxCustomGridCellViewInfo.
TextForPainting Inherited from TcxCustomGridCellViewInfo.
TextHeight Contains the cell text height. Inherited from TcxCustomGridCellViewInfo.
TextHeightWithOffset Inherited from TcxCustomGridCellViewInfo.
TextWidth Contains the cell text width. Inherited from TcxCustomGridCellViewInfo.
TextWidthWithOffset Inherited from TcxCustomGridCellViewInfo.
TopRowIndex Specifies the row which is the first row (top-most) displayed in the current card.
Transparent Indicates whether the background bitmap is assigned to the corresponding grid element. Inherited from TcxCustomGridCellViewInfo.
UseLightBorders Inherited from TcxCustomGridCellViewInfo.
Visible Specifies whether a cell is painted within a grid View. Inherited from TcxCustomGridCellViewInfo.
VisibleForHitTest Inherited from TcxCustomGridCellViewInfo.
Width Contains the width of a specific cell. Inherited from TcxCustomGridCellViewInfo.


Name Description
_AddRef protected The reference counter increment function of the interfaced property set. Inherited from TcxOwnedInterfacedPersistent.
_Release protected The reference counter decrement function of the interfaced property set. Inherited from TcxOwnedInterfacedPersistent.
AfterRecalculation Inherited from TcxCustomGridCellViewInfo.
Assign(TPersistent) Updates the persistent information from the specified source. Inherited from TcxOwnedPersistent.
AssignTo(TPersistent) Inherited from TPersistent.
BeforeRecalculation Inherited from TcxCustomGridCellViewInfo.
Calculate(Integer,Integer,Integer,Integer) Inherited from TcxCustomGridCellViewInfo.
Calculate(TRect) Inherited from TcxCustomGridCellViewInfo.
Click(TcxCustomGridHitTest,TMouseButton,TShiftState) Inherited from TcxCustomGridRecordViewInfo.
DoAssign(TPersistent) protected Updates the persistent information container’s class-specific properties with the corresponding values obtained from another persistent information container. Inherited from TcxOwnedPersistent.
DoOffset(Integer,Integer) Inherited from TcxCustomGridCellViewInfo.
DoRightToLeftConversion(TRect) Inherited from TcxCustomGridCellViewInfo.
Equals(TObject) Inherited from TObject.
GetAreaBoundsForPainting Inherited from TcxCustomGridCellViewInfo.
GetBestFitWidth Inherited from TcxCustomGridCellViewInfo.
GetBoundsForInvalidate(TcxCustomGridTableItem) Inherited from TcxCustomGridRecordViewInfo.
GetBoundsForItem(TcxCustomGridTableItem) Inherited from TcxCustomGridRecordViewInfo.
GetCellViewInfoByItem(TcxCustomGridTableItem) Inherited from TcxCustomGridRecordViewInfo.
GetExpandButtonSize(TcxCustomLookAndFeelPainter,TdxScaleFactor) Inherited from TcxGridCustomLayoutRecordViewInfo.
GetHashCode Inherited from TObject.
GetHitTest(TPoint) Returns the HitTest object for a cell. Inherited from TcxCustomGridCellViewInfo.
GetNamePath Inherited from TPersistent.
GetOwner protected Returns the persistent object to which the current property set or persistent information container belongs. Inherited from TcxOwnedPersistent.
HasPoint(TPoint) Inherited from TcxCustomGridCellViewInfo.
Invalidate Invalidates a specific cell on the grid control’s canvas. Inherited from TcxCustomGridCellViewInfo.
IsForcedVisibleForPainting Inherited from TcxCustomGridCellViewInfo.
IsFullyVisible Inherited from TcxGridCustomLayoutRecordViewInfo.
IsHotTracked(Boolean) Indicates if a cell is hot-tracked. Inherited from TcxCustomGridCellViewInfo.
MainCalculate(Integer,Integer) Inherited from TcxCustomGridRecordViewInfo.
MakeRowVisible(TcxGridCardViewRow) Makes the specified row visible in the current card.
MouseDown(TcxCustomGridHitTest,TMouseButton,TShiftState) Inherited from TcxCustomGridCellViewInfo.
MouseMove(TcxCustomGridHitTest,TShiftState) Inherited from TcxCustomGridCellViewInfo.
MouseUp(TcxCustomGridHitTest,TMouseButton,TShiftState) Inherited from TcxCustomGridCellViewInfo.
NeedsScrollingDown Determines whether there are card rows hidden off screen at the Card View‘s bottom edge, which require the View to be scrolled downwards to be displayed.
NeedsScrollingUp Determines whether there are card rows hidden off screen at the Card View‘s top edge, which require the View upwards to be displayed.
Paint(TcxCanvas) Paints a specific cell on a specific canvas. Inherited from TcxCustomGridCellViewInfo.
ProcessDialogChar(Word) Inherited from TcxCustomGridRecordViewInfo.
QueryInterface(TGUID,Untyped) protected Provides access to the implementation of the specified interface if the current persistent property set or information container supports it. Inherited from TcxOwnedInterfacedPersistent.
Recalculate Inherited from TcxCustomGridRecordViewInfo.
ResetContentBounds Inherited from TcxCustomGridCellViewInfo.
RightToLeftConversion(TRect) Inherited from TcxCustomGridCellViewInfo.
ToString Inherited from TObject.
Update Inherited from TcxCustomGridCellViewInfo.
UseRightToLeftAlignment Inherited from TcxCustomGridCellViewInfo.
See Also