IcxFormatControllerListener Interface
An interface for the controls that require notifications of currency and date format changes.
IcxFormatControllerListener = interface(IInterface)
Editors that should receive notifications of currency and date format changes must implement the IcxFormatControllerListener interface. The TcxFormatController object maintains the currency and date format settings common to all editors registered within it. Use the TcxFormatController.AddListener method to register a control within the format controller.
Editors such as TcxCustomDateEdit and TcxCustomCurrencyEdit implement a single FormatChanged method of the IcxFormatControllerListener interface. As they need to be notified of currency and date format changes, they add themselves as listeners to the global instance of the TcxFormatController class. The cxFormatController function allows you to access this object. All listeners read the currency and date formats from the TcxFormatController object and, whenever changes are made, editors immediately receive notifications via the FormatChanged method and update their appropriate properties.