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TcxPivotGridOptionsView Members

Contains view options for the pivot grid.


Name Description
Create(TcxCustomPivotGrid) Initializes a new instance of the TcxPivotGridCustomOptions class with specified settings. Inherited from TcxPivotGridCustomOptions.


Name Description
ColumnFields Specifies whether the column header area is visible.
ColumnGrandTotals Specifies whether to suppress the grand total for columns.
ColumnGrandTotalText Specifies the grand total column’s caption.
ColumnGrandTotalWidth Specifies the total column’s width.
ColumnTotals Specifies whether to suppress subtotals for columns.
ColumnTotalsLocation Specifies whether subtotal and grand total columns are shown on the right or the left side of the data area.
DataFields Specifies whether the data header area is visible.
DropArrowColor Specifies the color of the drop arrow.
FilterDropDownMaxItemCount Specifies the number of the field‘s drop-down list items, which are currently visible in the drop-down list.
FilterDropDownWidth Specifies the width of the field‘s drop-down list.
FilterFields Specifies whether the filter header area is visible.
FilterSeparator Specifies whether the filter header area separator is visible.
GrandTotalsForSingleValues Specifies whether to suppress the grand total for single data items.
GridLineColor Specifies the color of gridlines.
GridLines Specifies the gridline style for the pivot grid.
HeaderFilterButtonShowMode Specifies the display mode for filter buttons.
MarkNarrowCells Specifies whether to show an arbitrary sequence of the specified characters in the data cell when the data cell’s width doesn’t allow drawing its current value entirely.
PivotGrid Gets the pivot grid instance, to which the options are applied. Inherited from TcxPivotGridCustomOptions.
RowFields Specifies whether the row header area is visible.
RowGrandTotals Specifies whether to suppress the grand total for rows.
RowGrandTotalText Specifies the grand total row’s caption.
RowGrandTotalWidth Specifies the total row’s width.
RowTotals Specifies whether to suppress the subtotals for rows.
RowTotalsLocation Specifies the location of subtotal and grand total rows, relative to the data area.
ScrollBars Specifies which scrollbars will be shown in the pivot grid.
ShowHeaderFilterButtons Specifies how filter buttons are displayed in field headers.
TotalsForSingleValues Specifies whether to suppress the subtotals for single data items.
TotalsLocation Specifies the location of subtotal and grand total columns and rows within the data area.


Name Description
Assign(TPersistent) Inherited from TPersistent.
AssignTo(TPersistent) Inherited from TPersistent.
Equals(TObject) Inherited from TObject.
GetHashCode Inherited from TObject.
GetNamePath Inherited from TPersistent.
GetOwner Inherited from TPersistent.
ToString Inherited from TObject.
See Also