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ExpressGauge Control

  • 2 minutes to read

The ExpressGauge control, shipped as the TdxGaugeControl component, is the master node in the scales hierarchy. It hosts all created unbound and data-aware circular, wide circular, three-fourth circular, half-circular, quarter-circular, linear and digital scales. Additionally, the ExpressGauge control provides the non-visual helper, or container scale designed specifically for hosting and grouping other scales. The following image displays all available scale types within the TdxGaugeControl component at design time:

Any scale contained within the ExpressGauge control can host one or more scales of any type, and allows you to create composite or nested scales. The Gauge Control imposes no technical limitations on the number of such scale nesting levels enabling you to create multi-functional measuring instruments and dashboards:

In addition to the standard visual elements, each scale can contain multiple optional decorative elements, such as custom labels and colored range bars allowing you to resemble real measurement instruments better:

All scales displayed within the control’s bounds, are based on scalable vector graphics so that they can be safely stretched or squeezed without any loss of quality. The ExpressGauge control also allows you to specify the scale’s size and position within its parent object either in absolute (pixels) or relative units.

For more information on the TdxGaugeControl component, refer to the following topics:

See Also