Add(CellRange, Boolean)
Creates a table including the specified range of cells and adds it to the collection.
Add(CellRange, String, Boolean)
Creates a table including the specified range of cells and adds it to the collection.
Add(Object, CellRange, ExternalDataSourceOptions)
Creates a table from the specified range, adds it to the collection and binds it to the data source.
Add(Object, CellRange)
Creates a table from the specified range, adds it to the collection and binds it to the data source.
Add(Object, Int32, Int32, ExternalDataSourceOptions)
Creates a table starting from the specified row and column, adds it to the collection and binds it to the data source using the specified options.
Add(Object, Int32, Int32)
Creates a table starting from the specified row and column, adds it to the collection and binds it to the data source.
Removes all tables from the worksheet.
Indicates whether the collection contains the specified table.
CopyTo(Array, Int32)
Copies the elements of the ICollection to an Array, starting at a particular Array index.
Returns an enumerator that iterates through the collection.
Gets tables contained in the specified cell range.
Returns the index of the specified table in the collection.
Removes the specified table from the collection.
Removes the table at the specified index location from the current collection.