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DevExpress v24.2 Update — Your Feedback Matters

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RowCollection Members

In This Article
A collection of all rows in a worksheet.


Name Description
Item[Int32] Provides indexed access to individual rows in the collection.
Item[String] Provides access to individual rows in the collection by their headings.
LastUsedIndex Gets the index of the last edited row on a worksheet.


Name Description
AutoFit(Int32, Int32) Adjusts the height of rows to accommodate cell content.
AutoOutline() Automatically creates an outline for the specified rows.
ClearOutline() Removes an outline of rows.
ClearOutline(Int32, Int32) Clears the outline for the specified rows.
CollapseAllGroups() Collapses all the row groups in a worksheet.
CollapseGroups(Int32) Collapses all row groups starting from the specified level.
ExpandAllGroups() Expands all the row groups in a worksheet.
Group(Int32, Int32, Boolean) Groups the specified rows on a worksheet.
Hide(Int32, Int32) Hides the specified rows in a worksheet.
Insert(Int32, Int32, RowFormatMode) Inserts multiple rows and specifies how to format these rows.
Insert(Int32, Int32) Inserts multiple rows into the worksheet.
Insert(Int32) Inserts a new row into the worksheet at the specified position.
Remove(Func<Int32, Boolean>) Removes rows that match the specified condition from the worksheet.
Remove(Int32, Func<Int32, Boolean>) Removes rows that match the specified condition from the worksheet.
Remove(Int32, Int32, Func<Int32, Boolean>) Removes rows that match the specified condition from the worksheet.
Remove(Int32, Int32) Removes multiple rows from the worksheet.
Remove(Int32) Removes the row at the specified position from the worksheet.
UnGroup(Int32, Int32, Boolean) Ungroups the grouped rows on a worksheet.
Unhide(Int32, Int32) Displays the hidden rows on a worksheet.
See Also