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CustomXmlPartCollection Methods

A collection of custom XML parts in a workbook.
Name Description
Add() Adds a new item to the collection. Inherited from OfficeCustomXmlPartCollection<T>.
Add(String) Adds an item with the specified XML content to the collection. Inherited from OfficeCustomXmlPartCollection<T>.
Add(XmlDocument) Adds the specified XML document to the collection of custom XML parts. Inherited from OfficeCustomXmlPartCollection<T>.
Clear() Removes all custom XML parts from the collection. Inherited from OfficeCustomXmlPartCollection<T>.
Contains(T) Determines whether the collection contains the specified custom XML part. Inherited from OfficeCustomXmlPartCollection<T>.
Contains(String) Determines whether the collection contains an item whose XML content equals the specified XML string. Inherited from OfficeCustomXmlPartCollection<T>.
CopyTo(Array, Int32) Copies the elements of the ICollection to an Array, starting at a particular Array index. Inherited from ICollection.
GetEnumerator() Returns an enumerator that iterates through the collection. Inherited from IEnumerable<T>.
IndexOf(T) Returns the index of the specified custom XML part in the collection. Inherited from OfficeCustomXmlPartCollection<T>.
IndexOf(String) Returns the index of a custom XML part with the specified XML content. Inherited from OfficeCustomXmlPartCollection<T>.
Insert(Int32, String) Inserts a new custom XML part with the given content at the specified position in the collection. Inherited from OfficeCustomXmlPartCollection<T>.
Insert(Int32, XmlDocument) Inserts the specified XML document at the specified position in the collection. Inherited from OfficeCustomXmlPartCollection<T>.
Insert(Int32) Inserts a new custom XML part at the specified position in the collection. Inherited from OfficeCustomXmlPartCollection<T>.
Remove(T) Removes the specified custom XML part from the collection. Inherited from OfficeCustomXmlPartCollection<T>.
RemoveAt(Int32) Removes a custom XML part at the specified index from the collection. Inherited from OfficeCustomXmlPartCollection<T>.
See Also