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ChartSheet Members

A separate sheet in a workbook that contains only a chart.


Name Description
ActiveView Provides access to an object that contains options to display and print a chart sheet.
Chart Provides access to the chart on the current chart sheet.
CodeName Gets or sets the chart sheet’s code name.
HeaderFooterOptions Provides access to options which determine the chart sheet header and footer characteristics.
Id Returns the sheet’s unique identifier. Inherited from Sheet.
Index Gets the chart sheet index within the workbook’s ChartSheetCollection collection.
IsProtected Gets a value indicating whether the chart sheet is protected.
Name Gets or sets the name of the chart sheet.
PrintOptions Provides access to options that control how the chart sheet is printed.
SheetType Returns the type of the sheet. Inherited from Sheet.
Tag Gets or sets the data associated with a ChartSheet object.
VisibilityType Gets or sets whether the current chart sheet is visible, hidden or “very hidden”.
Visible Gets or sets a value indicating whether the current chart sheet is visible.
Workbook Gets a workbook that contains the current chart sheet.


Name Description
CopyFrom(ChartSheet) Copies the specified chart sheet into the current instance.
GetProtectionOptions() Returns the chart sheet elements to which protection is applied.
Move(Int32) Moves the chart sheet to another location within the workbook’s collection of chart sheets.
MoveAfter(String) Moves the current sheet after the specified sheet in a workbook. Inherited from Sheet.
MoveBefore(String) Moves the current sheet before the specified sheet in a workbook. Inherited from Sheet.
MoveToBeginning() Moves the current sheet to the first position in a workbook. Inherited from Sheet.
MoveToEnd() Moves the current sheet to the last position in a workbook. Inherited from Sheet.
Print() Prints the current sheet using the default printer settings. Inherited from Sheet.
Print(DXPrinterSettings) Prints the current sheet using the specified printer settings. Use this method overload in non-Windows environments. Inherited from Sheet.
Print(PrinterSettings) Prints the current sheet using the specified printer settings. Inherited from Sheet.
Protect(String, ChartSheetProtection) Protects chart sheet elements to prevent them from being changed by the user.
Unprotect(String) Removes protection from a chart sheet.
See Also